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    Cypres 2

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  1. Thats true! But most people with some k jumps have biased opinions because of sponsorships etc. It also seems that experienced skydivers stop thinking or scrutinising at a cerain level, they just 'KNOW'. So what do inset laterals do in a harness turn compared to less fixed rig? I would like to base this on data rather than impressions but I first need to get my new rig (same main). After that I'll perform some series of tests with both rigs and let you know :) This will take more than just 2 or 3 monthes but I will have this post in mind...
  2. Take the shortest of course. Because they have even less drag than low drag. With this you can easily squeeze the hell out of your onetwenty...
  3. Hello! I started to take canopy piloting more serious some time ago so I use harness input for many turns since I read one of Brian Germain's articles 'Clean up your turns' I wonder if there are harness styles that can improve harness input. For example, can chest rings like those from the Mirage or the Javelin provide a better effectiveness for that kind of control input? And what about inset stabilizers? Do they help to keep leaning to one side in a turn? Has anybody some experience with different rig styles for canopy piloting? Blue skies
  4. I had to do about 40 jumps on the Cayenne Light 170 and about 25 openings sucked. The were crazy hard and often ended up with line twists. The glide of course was great and it has a quite flat trim compared to other intermediate canopies. The distotion was amazing it never stoped to wobble around even when there seemed to be no wind and turbulence at all. After that experience that actually brought me to the chiropractor I moved on to a Sabre2... No spannwise distortion, soft openings, no line twist in 80 jumps and always great landings.