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  1. I am considering trying to become a student skydiver this summer through a nearby DZ. I did a tandem at the same DZ a couple of years ago. On the day of the jump it looked like it was going to rain so they kind of rushed us onto the plane. When we were in the air the Tandem Master asked if we had done a ground instruction session, but no one had done this with us. He gave us some quick instructions in the plane and we did the jump. It all went pretty smoothly, but now that I have researched skydiving a bit more it seems like this was not following protocol. I am wondering if this would be considered a big safety red flag, or if it isn't really so bad. I am a bit worried, is the fact that I still did this jump an indicator that I might not have the safety mindset required for skydiving? The DZ seemed pretty safe and I felt very secure with the TM since he seemed very experienced. However, not really knowing anything about skydiving, I pretty much just followed what they told me to do. I realize as a student safety will be very much my responsibility so I wanted to try and get some feedback on this. Thanks