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Everything posted by timski

  1. I have free time to discuss and debate. THE same reason were all here.
  2. a novel solution: take the guns away. They get away with it in the UK right? Yes, obviously there will be highly trained teams with heavily armed dudes because, well, Merica.
  3. Perspective from a true fun jumper, THIS is why I keep business and pleasure separate. I've thought long and hard on how to turn this passion into a money maker, and at the end of day, it just isn't worth it (for me...) I personally feel like you need MORE WINGSUIT in your life!
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, If you truly think I give one fuck about ANY of this BS, please, think again. I understand our crisis, I understand the root causes. I get it. Change is needed, ALL AROUND. Now then, I'm off to solve worldly problems
  5. Oh yeah, I WAS stationed right next to them. Never heard any problems with it... But again, It takes a certain kind of person to embrace the military lifestyle. Large and in part, part of the problem. I truly believe in mandatory civic duty for ALL.
  6. lucky to have a JOB! Essential AF. Check your feelings at the door and get your big boy pants issued. Keep dwelling in the past...
  7. It's OK Ace, I left my parachute back at Bragg years ago. I'm over it. I'm also over the drama HERE!
  8. A LOT of street names on said bases as well... But I digress.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braxton_Bragg You missed what I said. Current bases will be re-named. Check your facts buddy. Bragg isn't the only one...
  10. ALSO, The military will do it's best to erase history because of feelings. Forts across the country are named after generals who fought for the losing side... My I suggest we re-name them after native american chiefs, you know, for reasons...
  11. I let it briefly bother me too, that some Canadian has nothing better than to point out America's "stupid gun accidents" or the like. I'm over it. As if his own country doesn't suffer the exact same shit... Granted on a much smaller scale (let's keep it real). Not to veer off course...
  12. Was it good ole Ben Franklin speaking about an ounce of prevention??? Yup, avoidance is the key. It ALL simply could have been avoided. No body wants to break it down to this point. Right is right, right?
  13. I voted Bernie (again)
  14. Insurance is far from what is needed here. Take a stand, protect what you have worked your whole life for, rather than lie down and let them roll right over you. Yeah, zero worries where I live, where I'VE worked REAL hard to get too. No one will simply take what is mine, not without one hell off a fight. Now, if you want to come over for some cold ones and seriously good comfort food, my doors are always open to open minded folks!
  15. Guy's like you tamed the wild wild west. Now look at us!
  16. LOOK LOOK, here lies the solution to our problems, simply obey the law and avoid the sticky outcomes by racist bully cops who grew up with daddy issues... OK, to be fair, we all know this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more than just doing the right thing (even when nobody is looking). Until we breed out "the hate", we will be plagued with unrest and violence. HATE lingers, hate grows, hate begets hate. When the "haters" witness the violent protest conducted by the same people they hate on, what does that bring? Yup, more hate... Our ugly history isn't going away. Hate/racism are so strongly rooted in some locations, you really must wonder, how long or what will it take to break the cycle...??? Peer pressure works great, but from what I've witnessed, YOU put yourself in direct harm by calling out a complete stranger, and then they shoot you... So, how do WE THE PEOPLE squash this??? If your answer has anything to do with current politicians, keep thinking. It's going to take the right people with the right influence to help get the ball rolling. And get the RIGHT people in office... Time isn't ever on our side!
  17. THIS my dude is a well thought out response, by someone who hasn't been issued his TA-50. You and Bill can watch the world crumble around you, while the "boys" and I get dirty. PS, don't forget that phone, for quick calls and witty returns. Don't leave out "The Ron Factor" and his "Q" Army!!! (I for one feel safer already).
  18. In the big picture, YES. However, no one can take this land we occupy. For the shear number of privately owned weapons. (and a few good men willing to lead them)
  19. Get those knees back in the breeze!
  20. pure media hype, shocking to hear, I know...
  21. https://cdn.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/1200x800/public/d8/images/methode/2019/09/29/7486517a-df6e-11e9-94c8-f27aa1da2f45_image_hires_001021.jpg?itok=zVi7vqoI&v=1569687035
  22. Don't talk to me about waste, PPE and the "health care sector". Too close to home ...
  23. SUPER valid. Take a balloon in stead! But seriously, the NEW world is going to look different. On the bright side, LOTS of room for thinkers/innovators to make some money out there...