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Everything posted by timski

  1. Certainly in NO way defending such an action, but when you have a complaint about someone shooting a firearm, YOU CALL 911, you don't go knocking on his door... Stupid is as stupid does ~Gump See how easily that was avoided. Come on people. If you're going to run into the sound of gun fire, at least get paid to do so.
  2. YES! But comparing the U.S. to Israel is a far fetch. Then again, we have much to learn from such a place! I mean, they took desert and made it flourish. But I digress, who got dead today???
  3. So plain, so clear and yet we simply choose NOT to provide that level of protection... Troubling, isn't it?
  4. In parting, So in the many years to come, let's start getting motivated and dedicated people into public bldgs to protect the lives of the innocent. I mean, This already exists in EVERY federal building... Good enough for them.
  5. Come and take them all, I need the money more than I need paper weights right now...
  6. I know YOU know where I'm going with this... I'm not calling for MORE guns to be made and sold. It's the staggering number you quoted already in circulation that makes this country "unique" with our problem.
  7. Keep comparing the US to Other places, as effective as hopes and prayers. How then do you plan on removing all the guns??? I know it pains you and others to have to reason with the solution being part of the problem... or is it the other way around???
  8. What part of school shootings and it being a trend don't you understand? I've asked you directly, what your solution(s) are. You passed the buck with some lame ass response deflecting to BIGGUNS post... You're not going to get any satisfaction protecting innocent children without MORE GUNS. Welcome to America, we have our own special way of dealing with our problems. Seriously though Bill, the guns are the problem. The guns are here to stay. Sooo. The CURRENT solution IS more guns. At least I have a plan that works and can be implemented yesterday. You keep hoping for stronger background checks...and other passive BS backdoor solutions and let us all know how that works out.
  9. It simply showed a soft spot in one particular location. Period. Learn from it...
  10. "Rational, courageous action", just slightly vague? I mean, at least I'm willing to pay highly armed and vetted heroes in those roles...
  11. I've long said it, control the ammo,,,
  12. You reference one failed incident. How about the happy endings?
  13. So, what we have before us is known as a "trend". to simply not act on, is in part, part of the problem...
  14. And so, what is the solution to this???
  15. timski

    Fort who?

    Ah yes, I remember when... I personally thought for a second to honor military instillations after great first nation peoples, but then decided that would be a slap in the balls to those people, (because you know, history...), and thought that the right choice had been made. Make no mistake, I have zero vested in the subject and personally am indifferent... Boredom at work will have that effect.
  16. NOW this is the NEW hot topic. Because one can not simply "control" guns in a country FILLED with millions of them already in circulation. Why is this so easy for me to see? Yeah, guns make committing murder easy. This isn't a gun problem, it's a people problem... When we all shift our focus on what CAN be done, we'll all see less of this shit. People control people. Putting the right people in the right places will go far as a deterrent. There are technologies in NON lethal "weapons" that simply aren't used. When "we" start demanding change that actually works, maybe things will change.
  17. timski


  18. timski

    Fort who?

    Jerry, you analytical SOB!!!
  19. timski

    Fort who?

    Dude, I'm 53, my feels don't count. Honestly, It's got a nice ring to it.
  20. literally googled it!!! lol
  21. timski

    Fort who?

    Having it read "honorably discharged" on my DD214, I believe I have a dog in the fight. I'm not a war history buff and knew nothing of that handsome bastard they Called General Hood. I also knew nothing of Richard Cavazos until a few minutes ago. Here is my take, GREAT job on whatever committee out there chose the NEW guy. He was the type of leader EVERY military leader should strive to be. Hood wasn't a "bad" leader, he just made poor decisions on the field of battle that landed hundreds of men dead. But boy, he sure did have pretty eyes. It's the premise of why in the first place are "we" so bent on erasing history in the name of feelings. Sorry, but IMO, it's fucking ridiculous. Me personally, I'm a little upset I was never stationed at FT MURPHY!
  22. timski


    I started flintknapping a couple of years ago. This is awesome!