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Everything posted by diver123

  1. Wait a second! Did you say: "come take a shower next to me" ? You mean like a real shower? "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  2. So is this something that a person could see in real life or are we limited to stills on the internet? :) "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  3. Is there a good looking woman in the mug shot gallery partially clothed with her hands on her breasts? You must pardon my ignorance if I'm a little slow realizing this, I don't usually visit the pub that often. So how do we get more photos like this posted so I can add a new desktop to my pc??? :) "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  4. Ann, I've never met you personally, but who am I to refuse assistance to someone in need... I hope the money helps you... I actually just experienced something like this myself: I had to sell my rig back in November to raise enough money to take care of an emergency... Well, this past March 21st was my b-day and all my friends came together without me knowing and raised about $2,000.00 towards a new one for me...I've never felt more loved in my whole life! To know that people care about you is a most amazing feeling... So, I'm going to pass on that same kindness whenever I can... Good luck. "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  5. I say that's a wonderful reaction ("fuck em...") to finding out that a bunch of people in this sport care a little bit about what happens to you... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  6. AMEN to that! So with that said, why don't you just come out of the closet Clay? :) "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  7. Somebody sounds like he's a little irritated with all the comments about his recent canopy decision... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  8. Personally, at this point, I'm indifferent to homosexuality. I neither like it or dislike it, but I do accept it as a lifestyle with the same respect that I give a person of a different ethnicity than myself. However, this study that the writer talks of sheds a new light on the reality of homosexuality. One that may provide a more universal acceptance of this lifestyle if it could be further evaluated... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  9. 17.6%... Going straight to hell... Damnit! "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  10. I bet there are a lot of DZO's out there that are going to be pissed when they see this pic! I know of one, in particular, that's already losing business! I'm moving to Dallas! "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  11. 10 Nov 1775 Hoorah! "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  12. March 21st, Aries... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  13. Happy B-day! "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  14. roger that sixer shark! "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  15. This weekend Skydive Elsinore hosted the "Freefly Extravaganza". Although the weather wasn't all that great, we still managed to get a few good skydives in. One of which, was a 10 way hybrid that we setup with the help of Chris... Awesome skydive and a lot of fun, but the best part came just before opening! Dusty and I tracked off S. and SW respectively only to look down and see one of the local sail planes flying through our airspace! Well, it was probably about 300 yards due south, but it was very high (around 3k). Anyway, he ended up getting it on video and it looked awesome! Betcha the pilot and passenger got one hell of a show seeing two people in freefall buzz them at 130! Just thought I'd share a bit of my weekend with everyone! Oh yeah, first hybrid...Beer! Oops, thought I was in talkback... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  16. This weekend Skydive Elsinore hosted the "Freefly Extravaganza". Although the weather wasn't all that great, we still managed to get a few good skydives in. One of which, was a 10 way hybrid that we setup with the help of Chris... Awesome skydive and a lot of fun, but the best part came just before opening! Dusty and I tracked off S. and SW respectively only to look down and see one of the local sail planes flying through our airspace! Well, it was probably about 300 yards due south, but it was very high (around 3k). Anyway, he ended up getting it on video and it looked awesome! Betcha the pilot and passenger got one hell of a show seeing two people in freefall buzz them at 130! Just thought I'd share a bit of my weekend with everyone! Oh yeah, first hybrid...Beer! Oops, thought I was in talkback... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  17. Happy B-day! "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  18. What's dairy refer to? "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  19. It's mine! The big 25! Bring on the insurance break!!! "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  20. Dude, you jump an f-111 190! You're parachute is NOT a turf surfer no matter how good you are... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  21. Well, alright then, hook it up! Punn very much intended... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  22. I don't know, maybe it's just me being conservative (although I didn't think that was ever possible), but I recently started considering downsizing one size with my new canopy purchase. To help with the decision I borrowed a friends Sabre2 150. I had been jumping a sabre 170 for the past 100 jumps. I'm 225 out the door. I didn't really think it was going to be a big deal since the sabre2 is only semi-eliptical or whatever you want to call it. Plus, what difference can 20 square feet really make anyway, right! So I put like 5 or 6 jumps on it without incident and was loving the added performance in the turns and stuff. The flare was fun and I felt very confident that this was something I was ready for. Until... my last jump of the day. Normal skydive until deployment. While my canopy was just about done opening, one of my toggles came unstowed and got stuck in between the riser and the slider grommet so well that I wasn't able to pull it out. Now, I didn't really think anythin of it until that crazy ass spin started! For a second I couldn't believe what was happening. I mean, it was just a simple toggle problem right?! Well, the smaller canopy and tapered design produced a spin that I couldn't reproduce under my sabre 170 if I buried it for 5000 feet straight! I was seriously almost horizontal and starting to worry... I ended up pulling down the other toggle and stableizing it until I could work the stuck toggle free and I landed fine. My point is this: Everything worked out fine...this time cause the circumstances allowed time for it. But don't think for one second that those little changes (only 20 square feet, eliptical design, and zp fabric) cannot add up to a tragedy! The speed at which all this took place scared me enough to make me seriously reconsider my decision. I can't imagine how different that situation could've been had I introduced another variable into the situation...? (or maybe like going from an f-111 canopy to a smaller, zp, eliptical one)I think that's what everyone with years of experience is trying to say here big guy. It's not the skydive's where everything goes perfectly that you have to worry about. It's the one's where the unexpected things come into play and really exploit those little things that you need to be worried about... The "little" things become "big" things the smaller and faster you go... In the end, it's your decision to make. Just make sure you're honest with yourself about what you're willing to risk for a little more speed... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  23. I'm with you on this one... It may be true that guys are easily pleased, however I'm a sucker for a gift with a little something behind it ya know... Whether that is a naked girlfriend OR some effort and thought, it's always nice to know they care... "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  24. Dude, you're going from an F-111 PD 190 to a zp elliptical... Hmm... Look, I realize a good pilot can fly just about any canopy well, but let's be honest here; how much does a pd 190 really swoop??? "pull high! It's lower than you think..."
  25. I'd be more than happy to help the record in it's relocation efforts! However, I've never been in a belly fly with more than 5 people... That's the bad news. The good news is, Elsinore is my home DZ and that's plenty of time to get a couple practice jumps in... Anyone willing to teach me some moderately advanced belly skills so I can pull this off? "pull high! It's lower than you think..."