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Everything posted by wlsc

  1. Here's a question for you... ...Why did the prosecutor ignore the recommendations of the lead homicide investigator? ABC News reported that Chris Serino, the lead homicide investigator on the Trayvon Martin case, recommended that Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter on the night of the shooting. Serino filed an affidavit that night stating “he was unconvinced Zimmerman’s version of events.” As the lead homicide investigator, Serino was: 1. In the best position to evaluate Zimmerman’s credibility, and 2. Intimately familiar with Florida law. Why was he ignored?
  2. Same guilt. Different legal outcome depending upon the Race Variable.
  3. Race DOES matter here. To claim otherwise is to turn a blind Eye. IF Trayvon had been white then his killer would have been arrested and charged. As he was black then this could happen... ...Why was Trayvon Martin’s body tagged as a John Doe? The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart notes a police report “that was completed at 3:07 a.m. on Feb. 27 lists Trayvon’s full name, city of birth, address and phone number.” But yet, Trayvon’s body was reportedly “tagged as a John Doe” and his father wasn’t informed of his death until after he filed a missing person report later on the 27th. Why weren’t Trayvon Martin’s parents contacted immediately after the police confirmed his identity?
  4. Race does matter here. The contention is that IF Trayvon had been white then his killer would have been arrested and charged. As he was Black then he didn't 'count' as much within the legal system.
  5. Well the broken nose is real, I believe. A witness has stated that Zimmerman was the one on the ground. A witness. I realize that people are saying that the witness is a friend - but is that fact? Long ways from saying Zimmerman sb free. But John there are other facts. Zimmerman said he 'went for his cellphone'. That could easily look like 'going for his gun'. Zimmerman also knew he had a friend at hand phoning the police. Why didn't the friend help physically if Zimmerman was calling for it.
  6. ...The drug war has never been focused on rooting out drug kingpins or violent offenders. Federal funding flows to those agencies that increase dramatically the volume of drug arrests, not the agencies most successful in bringing down the bosses. What gets rewarded in this war is sheer numbers of drug arrests. To make matters worse, federal drug forfeiture laws allow state and local law enforcement agencies to keep for their own use 80% of the cash, cars, and homes seized from drug suspects, thus granting law enforcement a direct monetary interest in the profitability of the drug market. The results have been predictable: people of color rounded up en masse for relatively minor, non-violent drug offenses. In 2005, four out of five drug arrests were for possession, only one out of five for sales. Most people in state prison have no history of violence or even of significant selling activity. In fact, during the 1990s -- the period of the most dramatic expansion of the drug war -- nearly 80% of the increase in drug arrests was for marijuana possession, a drug generally considered less harmful than alcohol or tobacco and at least as prevalent in middle-class white communities as in the inner city. In this way, a new racial undercaste has been created in an astonishingly short period of time -- a new Jim Crow system...
  7. Killers have shown time after time that they can lie to cover their tracks. They can even get their friends to give them alibis.
  8. Gotta love the fox news signature move of when you want to say something really racist, simply start with "some people say", or "i once heard from some commentator..."
  9. For an official diagnoses. Absolutely. Not really what I was talking about. The records that I was talking about are so privilidged and hermetically sealed that for instance nobody would know he was serving a 5 day suspension for en empty baggie. And if it were not an official diagnosis related to an actual violent act, they couldn't release it without his permission. The suspension was for a violation of the drug policy. Some people might consider that a relevant detail (though I find it tenuous). Calling it an empty baggie seems as misleading as Gravitymaster's obsession with Jorges. Add another black victim to the Drug War.
  10. again, your argument is that racism exists. It's not an argument it's a statement of fact. Excellent! Now we can just claim racism for everything...our problems are solved! Or we can go to the other extreme and deny that racism affects anything much - and all our problems will keep growing. I think it would be wise to examine the deep rooted issues in the socioeconomic structure and how to relieve the tension caused from packing people into densely populated corners of the country where there simply may not be enough opportunity for everyone to live life happily ever after. Universal healthcare seems a good option then to help relieve that tension.
  11. again, your argument is that racism exists. It's not an argument it's a statement of fact. And it seems blacks kill more blacks than whites do may be a fact as well And more whites kill whites may well be a fact. Nothing to do with 'accostings' and the everyday racism against black folks.
  12. again, your argument is that racism exists. It's not an argument it's a statement of fact. Excellent! Now we can just claim racism for everything...our problems are solved! Or we can go to the other extreme and deny that racism affects anything much - and all our problems will keep growing.
  13. again, your argument is that racism exists. It's not an argument it's a statement of fact.
  14. How it is now is that blacks are racially accosted so often that they shrug it off as just 'background'. It will be at school, on the street, by the police, by employers, by any racist who thinks they can get away with it. Recently hundreds of thousands of blacks were accosted and stripped of a couple of decades of wealth accumulation by a group of blue eyed, white bankers.
  15. You are agreeing with my statement then that in the real world black people get accosted far more than others. Blacks are aggressive toward other blacks, the violence tends to be in the environment of gang bangers, gangstas, thugs, drug dealers/consumers, etc. Now add on all the accostings from whites and it's pretty obvious that black folk have a tougher time than most. So, it appears (based on your comments) that if they left themselves alone things would be closer or closer to be the same as whites? There being many more whites than blacks this is not the case.
  16. 2+2 isn't lazy argument. It's a mathematical fact. Deny it all you want. There is blindingly obvious racism within the prison system (and earlier back to the school system).
  17. You are agreeing with my statement then that in the real world black people get accosted far more than others. Blacks are aggressive toward other blacks, the violence tends to be in the environment of gang bangers, gangstas, thugs, drug dealers/consumers, etc. Now add on all the accostings from whites and it's pretty obvious that black folk have a tougher time than most.
  18. Here in FL, Tampa Bay Area, most black folks are accosted by black folks. You are agreeing with my statement then that in the real world black people get accosted far more than others.
  19. Your Rhetorical arrows are weak. Study History and your questions are answered. Also try Google.
  20. He should have been arrested because he'd just shot an innocent black kid dead. Isn't this the point where any black criminal is arrested, pressured, quite often tortured, and then framed if they still deny their guilt? See I'm more knowledgeable than you think.
  21. To survive you've got to live in the real world. In the real world black people get accosted far more than 'whites'. This case is just the tip of a very nasty iceberg. The end result is a prison system full of black folks. Shame but true.
  22. Depends what color they are. Shame but true.
  23. ...Imagine, though, the attitude of the Florida police had the skin colours been reversed: that a black neighbourhood watch captain had shot dead an unarmed white student. Who can believe the black man would not now be behind bars, held without bail, charged with murder? The same bias is evident in the judicial system: blacks are arrested and convicted at a higher rate than whites; all other things being equal, a black man found guilty of murder is four times more likely to be sentenced to death than a white man...
  24. He's definitely a killer who shot an innocent black kid.
  25. So we have a racist police officer looking the other way. Not really news is it.