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  • Home DZ
    Skydive 35 - Hillsboro, TX
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  1. Did my first Tandem over the weekend with my best friend, whose mother was there to watch (It was his birthday). As the tandem instructor was securing his harness the birthday was mentioned and the instructor asked which birthday he was celebrating. I quickly replied "His last." We all got a good laugh, with the exception of his mother. :)
  2. Had my first jump this weekend at Skydive35 south of Dallas. WOW. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. It was a 17,500ft tandem jump and it was incredible. I unfortunately had the breathing issue that others have talked about on here which I wasn't expecting. It was like I couldn't breathe when I was facing downward...I had to turn my head to the side or cover my mouth with my hand to get a felt a lot like being on the surface of a pool. I have the same problem on windy's like my lungs are afraid to take in the air. I also got a pretty nasty head-in-a-vice feeling from the pressure change on the way down. I felt like my head was in a vice when my tandem instructor opened the canopy...but once I did the hold nose & blow thing it felt much better. My friend who jumped with me and I are both interested in taking classes and getting certified, probably at Skydive35 (the people there were great).