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Everything posted by mayday

  1. mayday

    Who broke

    Ok, I'll admit it... I did it! I just looked at it funny and it broke! Please forgive me! peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  2. Well you still don't have a number because you would need the number of injuries that resulted from these potential occurrences, and since injuries are not generally reported (they should be so we can have some sort of statistics), there is no way for you (or I) to know. So if you don't see this problem at your dropzone, then that is good for you, but obviously from the other posts on here it is a problem at other dropzones. I don't see anyone stating that we should have super-strict rules, just some guidelines - mostly to keep new jumpers from hurting themselves, so I really don't understand why you are reacting so negatively about it. It appears that you have 200+ jumps and should be D-qualified, so it shouldn't have much affect on you anyway (except that you might lose a few less friends in the long run). peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  3. So basically you have NO IDEA what the numbers are (most injuries are NOT reported). And where exactly are you getting a number of "potential occurrences"??? (and if you actually have a number for potential occurrences, please share that one with us as well) I personally don't think a wingloading BSR will do anything to correct this problem anyway. This is something the dropzone owners should be doing something about. It is their property and they should be grounding anyone who is doing anything to make the situation more dangerous for other jumpers. But I think you are horribly misguided in thinking the possibility of getting hurt by another skydiver is so small, and I sincerely hope you don't have to find out the hard way. peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  4. So basically you have NO IDEA what the actual numbers are, yet because this situation has never affected you personally you are absolutely certain that this problem is not significant enough to be addressed??? If your main concern is that you don't want to have to buy a new canopy, fine - stick to that argument because it is a legitimate one. But the way you are defending this point without any facts to back it up (I have seen quite a few "close calls" and even a couple of injuries because of people on canopies they weren't ready for) makes me think that you must be one of these people who has never realized that your actions can hurt your fellow skydivers? Nothing personal dude, but that kind of attitude scares me at the dropzone. peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  5. There is a fine line between having too much freedom and not enough freedom, and probably no perfect answer that will suit everyone. With not enough freedom we are of course repressed, but with too much freedom there would be anarchy and the world would be a very nasty place. peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  6. Since you seem to know the exact numbers, why don't you share them with all of us? peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  7. Thanks for the nice reply hookitt - you have a great attitude. Most BASE jumpers who I have personally met have had an extremely good attitude, very intelligent and reasonable people. Unfortunately on these public forums sometimes people tend to say a little more than they should, or write emotional responses without thinking. Anyhow, thanks for the positive attitude - I'm sure that is a reflection of the jumpers who were there this past weekend. That was the place where I discoverd that BASE jumpers are much nicer people than they sometimes seem to be on the public forums And it's good to hear everyone had a good time with no serious injuries. Sorry to hear that anyone was injured at all, but hope they heal quick! peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  8. Talk about putting your foot in your mouth. Definitely a good idea to know the facts before you post - as you just proved to us all. The fatality happened the next weekend, and I hate to see it brought up once again in such an ugly fashion. Maybe you posted before you had time to think? c-ya May
  9. I kinda like 'em cut because then they look like Darth Vader. Otherwise they look like a one-eyed worm But either will do, depends on who it's attached to peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  10. I would certainly tell others about it. No matter how stupid it was, you never know who might learn something from your mistake and it might just save one of your buddies' lives. peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  11. "Before you slip into unconsciousness I'd like to have another kiss Another flashing chance at bliss Another kiss, another kiss The days are bright and filled with pain Enclose me in your gentle rain The time you ran was too insane We'll meet again, we'll meet again Oh tell me where your freedom lies The streets are fields that never die Deliver me from reasons why You'd rather cry, I'd rather fly The crystal ship is being filled A thousand girls, a thousand thrills A million ways to spend your time When we get back, I'll drop a line" peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  12. I thought Square One's website was pretty easy to buy trinkets from - and free shipping is cool. I've had good experiences with SkyKat too. (haven't ordered from paragear or sunshine factory yet) Jumpsuits are good to have measured by the manufacturer or a dealer who is experienced with that particular suit. Price is always a factor! peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  13. mayday

    Is it possible???

    Is it just me, or does 1 percent of 10 = 0.1 rather than 1?? I really don't know because I am a ditzy blonde ;-) Sorry, just being a P.I.T.A. ;) peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  14. Rachel, You seem to have a bee in your bonnet here... jealously can cause many different emotions... sometimes you just have to let people have their "15 minutes of fame", knowing that you will have yours someday. It is only natural to have these feelings, but please, try to put them aside for a change, and give someone else a chance to shine! Love will rule the world
  15. And you oughta know about sausage parties, girl... seeing as your home dz is the one and only Pennis Valley Skydiving ;-) Keep your head high, babe! We're all with you! Girl Power! May peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."
  16. Rachel, I understand... believe me, more than I would like to admit! You are welcome to post anything you need to in this forum (in my opinion). Skydivers are a unique group of people, and we need to stick together and help each other out... not tell each other to f*ck off and take matters into private discussion. You go girl Peace out... May peace out... May ;-) "saving the world before bedtime..."