Hi all,
I do post on here occasionally but have created a new id to ask about preparation for becoming an AFF instructor. The reason for this is that in the UK where I currently jump, I have asked several people but they all say the same, "come back when you have 900 jumps and then we'll talk" (BPA AFF instructor needs 1000 jump min).
I have 500 jumps which I know is the min for a USPA AFF rating. I want to gain more experience first so won't be going for either rating before I reach at least 1000. But please could I have some advice on what sort of things I should be working on during my jumps? 90% of my jumps are belly (4-way and bigway) and I have around 40 hours in the tunnel split about half between FS and FF (I have the FF1 and 2 stickers but rarely jump FF as we are usually team training).
I fly fairly often so are there any drills I can practice in the tunnel too?
I assume that to convert to a USPA licence and get my USPA rating when I eventually move out to the States in a few years, I would need to do water training for the B and sit the exam for the USPA C even if I have a BPA D licence?