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Everything posted by navaga

  1. would be shacked up in luxury living still wondering... Pretty blue skies...
  2. These are probably the best whuffo questions I have come across, but hey, its good for relating to your own subtracted needs.. (don't laugh) 1.) What made you want to go skydiving All female birds should get some proper wings to fly in the same skies!! 2.) What did you feel prior to jumping out of the plane Got drunk and ate lots of curry!! 3.) What was the free-fall like Woooo!! 4.) When you touched down how did you feel Thank *%$? for that... story continued... 5.) Anything else you want to say about skydiving Piece of cake...if you're real... Your spirit will show you the way if destined... 'Embellished in thick clouds... Nowhere else...but up there..' Pretty blue skies (and you will never be alone)...
  3. Got sick of being frightened silly travelling on riggity commercial airlines and wised up!!- The geeza who declared that flying is one of the safest ways of travelling, then he must have been destined to be a skydiver... 'Fall gently, live endlessly...'
  4. my goals are shattered due the to lack of funding that I coincidently can't get! just to be back up there would be a blessing!! pretty blue skies xxx
  5. a good shaggin' before and after jumping to ease the tension and keep the adrenalin!!
  6. if these figures are true then, bwoy...haven't us brits got a lot of catching up to do!! Here in the UK we have only experienced the emergence of ethnic minorities e.g afro-carribean, eastern asian, africans, chinese in the past 50 years...communities here are starting the commise with the British influences therefore integrating with the influencial lifestyles of Anglo-ism!?!? As a black woman of jamaican descent I believe that there was a skydiving ethos to individuals perceiving skydivers to be crazy-white ass idiots!!-- B$lloc*ks to that now!! The idealisms of skydivers isn't a race ting at all, its about creating and spreading the influences to generate the interest and make people, whatever race, believe that it is possible for anyone who has that potential, to do this amazing sport. From what I've seen and gathered, we are there and maybe hidden from the individuals who dare to be blinded by this occurence....but hey... give a massive welcoming to emergence of skydiving multiculturalism!!! 'embellished in pretty blue thats what I call a good %$*&!!'
  7. hey theres a bus that leaves girona airport at 09:35 in da mornin'- if not then you could always try gettin a bus from the airport to girona city, then from girona to figueres, then from figueres to empuria..hehe.. if you want to save the 80 euros you'd spend on a taxi.. ***'embellished in clouds- now thats what I call a good &%$£&&!! mwah!!
  8. get the A, get the CH1, FS1 and FF1... have more good times than ever.. be safe stay happy and stay alive.. live fast, die hard...
  9. hey its nice to have a young head on the council who can put across fresh ideas about the developments of the extending diversifications that this sport is experiencing, and will experience in years to come.. you've definitely gotten my vote.. 'live fast, die hard..'
  10. yeah mate..difficult one majority of folk will tell you the weather's 'touchwood' if you went to empuriabrava at this time of the year. A suggestion would be to book a last minute flight, whilst checking the weather in the process about 4 or 5 days before flying out there.. ?
  11. once...a long time ago. wind conditions changed..
  12. so does relaxing..realised that after 22 jumps!!
  13. perseverence does pay off... did my AFF in 23 jumps... determination does get you there in the end!
  14. whuffo friends... university.... one boring call centre job.... lack of self-liberation... and still have no regrets....PROPER BO!
  15. oi oi bird.... recognize me.....! don't worry too much about it're getting some good instruction and plus we have drink nearby when ever one is needed...
  16. good idea to save enough.... go to empuria brava star....u may find the instruction at abroad will be a lot relax than langar... i started my AFF course at langar about a year and a half ago, but due to personal reasons decided not to continue it there...looked up on empuriabrava....went there for two weeks...and feel blessed that i chose to go to such a brilliant dropzone. unlike langar...if you've not skydiving then there is always something to do...great nightlife within walkin distance, great bar people at the airfield, other sports to participate in, great beach and nearby resorts to visit. the instruction there is so relaxed as well compared to langar's militant 'yes, sir, yes' business (if you've jumped with DH!!) take advantage of empuria's speciall AFF discounts....repeat jumps will start from 95 euros per jump...(its worth it) and the full AFF course is around 1250 euros for january (see there website). the bunkhouse it about 10 quid per night (which is good cause it is nowhere near the standard of the bunkhouse at langar)- the bunkhouse is pretty brand new so you know u will be staying in decent accomodation... only thing is it can get pretty windy....went out there for two weeks...jumped on 2 days! so give yourself plenty of time out there... clear skies...
  17. hi folks!! just want say a big holla/hello/bonjour/hola to my skydiving brothas/sistas!! i started my AFF in September but still need to complete level 7, so im nearly there !! im still a uni student so at the mo its kind of hard saving those pennies to get to the airfield!! but hey...i have this website to look at when i haven't been jumpin' so its all good!! pretty blue skies... tash
  18. what about 'castles in the sky' by Ian van Dahl- its a pretty heavy european dance hit.... 'if you haven't got a passion that you would die for, then life isn't worth living...'
  19. Did my tandem at langar, couldn't stay away from the place so started my AFF course there 2 months ago...can't really fault it really....everything's there that u, rig room, canteen, bar (which is always a bonus), a dossing area when you feel the need to chill and take time out and decent lavatories!! the bunkhouse is adequate...but what do you expect? staff are really supportive and friendly most of the time (weekends can be pretty hectic!!) and it takes pretty little time to warm to the regular skydivers there...(apart from the odd one or two!!- but hey, you would get that everywhere!!) I decided to do my AFF here because i found the total price to be cheaper than the other dropzones in the UK, also because it is pretty accessible to get to (if you drive).. the one thing i would say is if u don't drive and you like your tobacco, make sure you stock up because you're going to have a pretty long walk to get to the nearest newsagent!!