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  • Home DZ
    Skydive Tulsa/Desert skydiving center
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  • First Choice Discipline
    Freefall Photography
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    Senior Rigger
  1. Dude, When I started shooting video I had to make my own mount to hold a camera. Why are you whining about a flash mount. David
  2. Try the Wings rings are at the right place and is very confortable. David
  3. Yes I read what you had to say but you have to consider the dumbasses out there that don't know a thing about a pattern or what it is. I come from a single 182 dz but jump in Eloy now, God anyone can jump now. It's not just Eloy but the total lack of training anymore everywhere. David
  4. As I learned the low mam has the right away you have to take into acount the people that don't do it as we were taught sorry but I may be taking the recent eloy things in account. David
  5. Dude this whole thread is out of hand, yes we lost someone that a lot of people cared about, but he was in the wrong as learned in fjc low man has the rightaway. It don't matter. I swoop myself, alaways look out for the other person.... David
  6. FJC low man has the right away.. I swoop myself but that is the rule I learned in FJC. David
  7. That was back in the old days at a outlaw dz. I don't think that would be going on any more with pro ratings required for most demos. David
  8. 1600 on my first demo jump at night, winds were 20-30 had line twist approx 4, fixed it riser dived to make the 45 yardline was to hit the 50. Not so bad I only had 119 jumps. David
  9. If you think it is too loud don't use it. Today we have way too many jumpers that won't jump without a add or audible alti what a bunch of whimps.When I got my first audio it was because I coulden't afford an AAD 10years later I still don't need one, and don't use an audio alti,I use my eyes and my internal time clock,so far so good. David
  10. Ok great you proved you can go a long time without drinking. You don't have a problem anymore. Have a beer and prove you can drink responsibly. If it becomes a problem, then quit again. Flame away, kids ---------------------------------------------------------- Cocheese, that is what I did around 3 years ago. I had 10 years in had 1 beer and have lived the nightmare once again. Right now I have quit jumping for the last 3 months until I am sober again. David
  11. I myself do not think you should make a statement that a crossfire at light wing loadings is not dangerous. I lost a friend of mine with at a less than a .90 wing loading under a square f-111 canopy. shit happens. David
  12. Hi I am a rigger that owns a wings they are not that difficult to pack, it took me about 6 pack jobs to get it down pat. Not a problem now, but it is the most comfortable rig under canopy you can find. David
  13. Hi, my partner at work has just started racing quads he says there are 3 classes beginner,novice expert why should swooping be any different David
  14. 1500 feet on a demo jump 30 mph ground winds night jump into a football field 119 jumps and 3 line twist, but hey I landed on the 50 yard line. Yes not the smartest thing but when you get invited on a demo at 119 jumps you don't always do the right thing. David