Hi all. New student here. I am taking static line lessons and was wondering if anyone else has had the same issues I seem to be having.
I have 2 unsuccessful PRCP jumps. When I practice my sequence on the ground, it goes perfect. Arch, Look, Reach, Pull, etc. In both jumps, I have failed to even locate the ripcord, and ended up aborting even trying to pull it. To complicate matters, on my last jump, my reserve handle came unstowed, most likely as a result of me flailing, trying to find the ripcord.
Its very discouraging, because others who have taken the class after me, are already on freefall, and I think this is causing some confidence issues for me. I don't want to be still on S/L at jump 13 or 14, and I don't want to hear the dreaded 'bowling speech'.
Anyone else have similar issues? How did you deal with them? This is honestly the funnest thing I have ever done, and I really want to progress