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  1. I was asking to get an opinion on what works best with the equipment I already have. When I say best I mean safest (hence lower profile). The forums are a great place to share knowledge and help fellow skydivers out ... If you're negative like that you create a culture where people are afraid to ask questions when they're not sure of something, which is surely far more dangerous in the sky.
  2. Im about to hit 200 jumps and am looking forward to getting a camera. My boyfriend jumps a Contour which I really like, but on his helmet he can mount it on the side and it is not affected when the visor is pushed up under canopy. I wear a G3, and I know you can mount the Contour on to the side plates, but the camera will face up in to the canopy when I push my visor up, missing out on the awesome views around and my landings. Does anyone have thoughts on other cameras out that are simple (I like Contour because it is a one button slide on, no looking for a flashing red light etc) and is low profile. Not a big fan of the GoPro given how many issues Ive seen people experiencing. Help would be appreciated! Thanks.