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Everything posted by jones32

  1. do you know what the prices are going to be as of yet ? or is that depending on how much the power co. gouges you to hook that thing up >
  2. as most people on here have said exercise. i was have back problems about 2 years ago and my back would hurt so bad i could not sleep then i realized i had turned into a big wuss i started lifting weights 3 times a week and running the other three. back problems are gone. sit-ups and crunches for strength in the front then do some good mornings you can use a broom to start with put it on your shoulders like you are going to do a squat the just bend forward at the waist. do 12-15 of each three times, three times a week and back will be new before long.
  3. What are some of the things i should practice before jumping a wing suit ? i want to do a wingsuit jump but do not want to go into it blind how many jumps should i have and what are some things to practice before i jump a bird suit ? thanks all birdmen and women in advance.
  4. sad thing is most stolen gear will not be reported til long after if is bought and if it is reported to uspa it will take it months to get into the magizine. did anyone get the serial # from this guy
  5. has anyone heard of and aeroglide main canopy ? i can not seem to find the manufacture of this parachute. if anyone has heard of them or jumped on of these mains could you give me your opinion on it. and what kindof material it is made of etc.etc. thanks for your time
  6. i dont have a neptune and have never played with one but is there a volume control like on pro-track you have normal and high volume. sometimes i do not hear my protrack if i am concertrating real hard on flying. HTH
  7. what do you guys think should i list names and phone #'s and e-mail addresses. there is two guys.
  8. hi all not sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes> I bought some stolen gear off here over a year ago found out it was stolen when i sent cypres in for 4 year service. i checked it all before i bought it and of course i dowsized and sold it again before i new it was stolen. any way my ? do i need to sue the guy i bought it from to get my money back or should he be ordered to pay restitution through the courts to me nobody seems to have this answer since the gear was bought over the net and he lives in GA and i live in WA. the cypress that i kept out of the gear was sent back to the owner with disagreement on my part and i have located all the other gear and the guys are going to be willing to give it back and the place it was stole from said they would help us out on new gear a little. so everything will work out but if the cops just arrest him for theft and he ends up doing comunity service or something that is not justice for me or the other guys. i think we should be able to get the money back that we are out! if anyone has dealt with this before please let me know thanks
  9. i papid with my paypal account. and paypal will only release the info to the authorities. thanks for your help
  10. o.k how about can i search for the users to see if i can find the name of the guy i have a e-mail address but i dont know if it is the right one at one time you could search for users on here but i dont see that optoin anymore.
  11. is there anyway to find and classified add froma year ago i just found out the gear i bought over a year ago was stolen i checked all the places to check before i bought the gear but i noticed that they did not report it stolen on hear until 8 months after it was stolen and they said they did not report it to ssk and the manufactures for about 3-4 weeks after it was stole and i found out by sending my cypress in it is a big headache so if anyone can help thanks i bought it on march 29,2003 and it was stole on march 26, 2003 as reported by the previous ownwer. thanks mike
  12. i love jumping at kapowsin the staff is very freindly and helpful. the grounds are always clean the grass is mowed indoor and outdoor packing areas. poeple there are awsome they give advice and don't look down upon you if your a newbie. they have about everthing that you would need in there little gear store like gogles and altimeters,, batts, etc,etc, heck even if you need a new container or rig repair you walk up a flight of stairs to Velocity. the planes are clean and well kept the otter just had some new super engines put on it and it will get you to altitude in a hurry. lots of flying styles RW, FF, CRW, birdman, Swooping (they even have a pond) whatever your style is there is someone there to jump with. if you want to do a big way show up and be ready to go find Cheeto he will have one going most all day long, on the warm clear blue days you can not do any better than to be at Kapowsin Air Sports. but beware if you do something wrong such as landing not flying a pattern or just something stupid then be prepared for Jessie or Keri or any of the rest of the staff to voice their opionion on it but dont be offended and listen to what they say they are only doing it cause they care about the jumpers there and don't like to see anyone hurt. other than that jump have fun and enjoy.
  13. [It doesn't matter how experienced you are or how well you pack, or how good your rig is. ]*** I have been following this post and the way I see it is you have a 1 in 25k chance of a double mal. If you jumped the same rig for 25k jumps, and did not have it repacked or inspected or used it in those 25k jumps, I think yes your chances would increase with every jump but after you use your reserve or have it repacked or buy a new rig whatever the case may be. Your chances would be reset to 1 in 25k. Just as your example with the russian roulette thing if you spun the barrel one time then pulled the trigger for 25k and never spun the barrel again then yes your chances are greater that you would hit the bullet before 25. If you was on 24999 then don't pull that trigger next time. But every time you spin the barrel it just reset you chances to 1 in 25k again. But since you have you reserve repacked, buy new gear, new reserve, etc, etc, then you chances are always 1-25k that you will have a double mal. and the Russian roulette thing is a bad example because you have little chance of stopping the bullet or moving out of the way. You can survive a double mal. If it is a line over and you have a hook knife with you the cut the line that is over the front of your reserve and bingo your saved. There is no way to know what your malfunction will be but you can be prepared for it. I treat every jump as i could have a malfunction and go through my emergancy procedurs and what i would do if it happened. So bottom line is be prepared! know that you have a 1in 25k chance that you are going to have a double mal. But hope it is not your day! Pay for whoever is unlucky enough that day to have one! THIS IS JUST MY TWO CENT WORTH!
  14. i hope you all are having fun and lots off safe jumps i couldn't make it cause the ex-wife said she couldn't take the kids for x-mas and geuss what she calls at the first of the week after x-mas and wants them so i cancelled my plane tickets and all my reservations there in eloy and i checked on plane tickets to get there for new years eve and they are way to much so the only thing i can say is i wish i could be there but ohh well i had a good x-mas wiht the kids and i will see some of you at the end of january BLUE SKIES have fun be safe
  15. i hate when people say make me an offer then you say "how about $xxxx. dollars and they say oh i need more than that " so if i was you i would offer him some low ball price like $2500.00 then he will say oh i at least got to have $3000.00 or something like that so then you know where you stand and hey if he takes the 2500 then you got a super good deal and if you can't sleep cause you feel guilty then throw in a couple of hundred extra.
  16. i have a tri 190 i like the hell out of it , it might not be a swooper but it flies nice opens soft, and has got me back from a long spot or two, and has good landing flair, i recently just purchased a tri 160. i think it would depend on what you want it to do just for your first canopy, or if your trying to learn to swoop if it is your first canopy i thinkit is a good choice.
  17. i have three kids and am a single father or was until about 2 years ago. (live in girlfriend that has 2 kids 5 total in the house) when my girlfriend first moved in and i would go skydiving on the weekends she would always have a worried look on her face and i could tell she was scared something was going to happen to me. she even asked in a round about way if i would stop. but then i took her to the DZ with me a couple of times and she understood all the things we do for safety and she see that i am carefull in what i do and now she just says when i go be careful driving over there nothing about jumping. my kids are 11, 9(x2), 7(X2) they all like going to the drop zone and hanging out and playing with freinds they have met there my daughter 9 year old daughter is trying to learn to pack know and my son which is 11 says he can't wait until he is 16 to make is first S/L jump and my 7 year old daughter bugs the DZ owners every time she is there to go on a tandem (no success yet i think i heard once that they would give her a tandem when she turns 18 if she doesn't ask them again) and my girlfriend made her first tandem jump this year and she said she could see how i can be so hooked on it. i had to listen to my EX for a while about how something was going to happen to me and she almost had a freind die that tried skydiving (sprained his ankle??? far from death) i tell every one that i am always a little worried before i leave the plane but if and when i have an emergancy i will know what to do i practice my cut away procedures every time before i get on the plane i might look silly every jump, but how many of you practice them one time when your out at the DZ? the people that say your going to die i pull out the statistics and say look we live in a town of 20K people there is 33K or so skydiving i think last year what 42 or something died and i ask them to get the stats of how many people died driving on just our roads in this town it is always more than 42 so i point out that i am safer skydiving than driving. most people who die skydiving inflict it upon themselves (i,e, Hook turns, unsafe equipment, doing stupid stunts, jumping in bad wether, not listing to more experianced skydivers, or trying to copy more expeinced skydiver,) the bottom line is it is up to you how responsible you are being. you could walk out your front door and slip off your steps and break your neck so in theory getting up in the morning can be irresponsible? but to some poeple if you have your skydiving gear on your back when you slip off the steps then you died from a skydiving injury. invite your EX out to the DZ so she can see for herself what you do of course be very resposible that day neat pack jobs don't just cram everything into your bag to make the next load. good stand up landing into the wind gear check your stuff and practice cutaway procedures and if your lucky someone whil cutaway while she is there and then she will see it is no big deal. and won't say much more about it. sorry if this is long and i rambled on.
  18. no its a internet thing but maybe they will give me 10 day trial i will ask them. the guy that owns it is 6'1" and 225 and he says it fits him fine i just don't want to have a to loose of fit in the leg strap area. i am still also looking i might have found one with a 17" main lift web thank you for your help.
  19. my inseam is 34" with my shoes on so like 33" is probly closer to the true mesurement.
  20. on a 98 mirage g-2 m-5 can some one explain the lift web length mesurments it says 17.5 19std so if i am 5'10" and 170 would this container fit me?
  21. who did you order the canopy through PEC or some one else? i am lost !! if you ordered it through another dealer call them they sent the order to PEC. if you orderd direct from PEC i think they should help you out. at any rate i think everyone when they order a new canopy will ask there dealer to send them a confrimation on what there canopy will look like.
  22. what are your altiudes set at i know on my pro-track if i dump low where my warning is set at 2k then as my main comes open then the last alrm will start to sound and finish it's cycle. i think if you would post what your setting are and what you dump at would help if your second alarm is set at say 3500 and you throw out at just before it goes off then i would say it is normal. i geauss post what your alrms are set at and i will try to pay more atttetion to mine. but i usally open when my second alarm is going off not before.
  23. did you pay for this canopy with a credit card? if so call your dealer and mention the credit protection act and let him know that you will doa charge back on your credit card until this matter is solved. also do you have the order form from the original order. if so then call your dealer and tell him you still have the original order form or bettter yet ask if he still has it if so make him fax it back to you the copy you faxed it will have a time and date on it when you faxed it to him there for case would be won. and to the comment on car mechanics i am one and not all of us bamboozle people, you would beleive how many people try to not pay there bill because they think 20/20 shows give them a right to free car repairs.
  24. hey guys i need some help i am looking at buying a mirage g3 size m4 and i am wondering if i can get a triathlon 190 in this rig on the web site it says that it will hold up to 170zp mains but will my 190 fit in it tight or should i keep looking. my problem is i dont want to buy a new container cause i only have 100 jumps and i am sure i will be downsizing soon but if i order a container that fits my 190 then from what i understand i can only downsize to a 170 is that true? thanks for the help in advance. mike