Well, let's see. Be warned that the numbers are out of my head, so the result might be wrong.
There's about 2.5 million skydives per year in the US, and the yearly average fatality rate is about 30 jumpers.
Now, I don't remember when was the last time that there was a double malfunction, so we'll calculate for a value of 1 casualty per year due to double mal. If odds for a cutaway are 1:600, that means there are 4167 (2.5 mil/600) of them yearly. That means that the chance of reserve malfunction after a clean cutaway must be less than 1:4000.
Of course, this didn't take into account tandem jumps, etc. My guess is that a chance of reserve mal is around 1:20,000. The general formula would be:
1 : (total number of jumps per year)/(avg jumps per cutaway * number of fatalities per year due to reserve mal)