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Everything posted by franck102

  1. > I've flown a whole approach to the DZ in deep brakes before. Not a good idea I'm afraid... depending on the wind, the air, the texture of the ground and other things there could be significant gradient coming down (meaning the wind speed could suddenly drop significantly as you approach the ground). If you are flying upwind just above stall speed and the wind suddenly drops, you will get a serious stall. I have seen gradient collapse paragliders coming down well above stall speed... you safe speed is stall + safety margin + whatever you think the wind may suddenly throw at you. Franck
  2. Thanks for all the replies! I added an email to my profile... I am not too familiar with the site's features yet. We'll definitely want to jump together at some point, but I am assuming this isn't the safest thing to do right off student status, so 1 rig would do for some time (we can always rent) - and we'll be able to make a more educated choice later if we decide to buy a second rig. As for the fit we'll have to try a few harnesses I guess. We have used the same student rig but of course neither of us knows what a properly fitted harness should feel like... Franck
  3. Hi all, I plan to purchase a used first rig that both me and my wife can use. We are currently going through AFF but I want to have some time to find the right used rig. I have read the general recommendations, and I still have a few questions: - the main priority is to get a safe rig, but also to make sure my wife can make it back to the DZ when the wind picks up. I have over 250 paraglider rides, she's had a few and has good canopy control for her experience. Our exit weights are 135 & 160 resp., and I am considering looking for a main in the 150 range. With a 170 would my wife have trouble making way in moderate winds? I plan to try a 135 to see how comfortable I am landing it. - I have seen many spectre and sabre mains in the classifieds, would those be a good choice at those wing loadings (0.9 to 1.15)? I don't want to have to chop because of line twists on opening (I mean not more than with a student main), is this mostly dependent on wing loading or is the chute design the overriding factor? - Many rigs have a reserve that is larger (sometimes much larger) than the main. Will this make a two canopy out situation significantly less stable? Is this something I should watch for? - Finally, is anyone 5.7" & 140 pounds using a Javelin J1 rig? How does it fit? Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks, Franck