Hi all, I plan to purchase a used first rig that both me and my wife can use. We are currently going through AFF but I want to have some time to find the right used rig. I have read the general recommendations, and I still have a few questions: - the main priority is to get a safe rig, but also to make sure my wife can make it back to the DZ when the wind picks up. I have over 250 paraglider rides, she's had a few and has good canopy control for her experience. Our exit weights are 135 & 160 resp., and I am considering looking for a main in the 150 range. With a 170 would my wife have trouble making way in moderate winds? I plan to try a 135 to see how comfortable I am landing it. - I have seen many spectre and sabre mains in the classifieds, would those be a good choice at those wing loadings (0.9 to 1.15)? I don't want to have to chop because of line twists on opening (I mean not more than with a student main), is this mostly dependent on wing loading or is the chute design the overriding factor? - Many rigs have a reserve that is larger (sometimes much larger) than the main. Will this make a two canopy out situation significantly less stable? Is this something I should watch for? - Finally, is anyone 5.7" & 140 pounds using a Javelin J1 rig? How does it fit? Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks, Franck