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Top of 71% I think. Varies wildly if I try more than once. I got 15% on one of my tries. I don't think this is really possible. If you were to average out 500 attempts, I think you would get something very close to 50% with a perfect little bell curve. The standard deviation could be interesting though. Then again, perhaps I just suck. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
Jeffrey, I agree with a post of yours! pigs fly by Cheers dude. Modest, too -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
I have been doing extensive research into this subject over the years No really, and here are my current conclusions. Girls mostly agree on what kind of man they want. It varies between social groups, levels of intelligence, that kind of thing, but it seems to be quite uniform. From least to most important, they want someone good looking, intelligent, funny and exciting. Where they differ is how well they can detect these qualities and what these qualities really mean to them. Now here is something that one has to realize. Most people in this world do not know who they are and are not at peace with themselves. Especially sexually. It is rare that a girl will admit that what she wants is sex and nothing else, and it usually requires either a great degree of maturity or a calamity in her personal life. Why do you think drunkenness leads to sex? You do not lose control after 5 shots of vodka and a beer. It's just an excuse. Pavlov's dog, if you will. Finally, and I think this is most important, if what you want is to get into her pants as quickly as you can, it doesn't matter what you really are. The only thing that matters is whether she perceives you to be what she wants. It doesn't matter if you're intelligent, it only matters if you can look the part. It doesn't matter if you're naturally funny and creative, it only matters if you can tell a joke at the right time, or make an ass of yourself appropriately, even if you're just copying someone. Most importantly, you have to be exciting. You have to give her that warm fuzzy feeling, if you know what I mean This makes scoring an almost trivial matter. It also explains the Bad Boyz complaint. A friend of mine summarized this approach last weekend very eloquently: "You have to be loud. If you're modest and hardworking, you get jack sh*t." A corollary of this is, if you only want to get laid as quickly as you can, you basically have to pretend to be someone you are not, ie, lie. It is unlikely that a serious lasting relationship will start this way. Hence, nice guys get less but last longer -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
For people with 18 jumps yes. This was not my decision, I have only reported what is happening. It is up to our instructors. If you want to discuss the operations of Skydive Burnaby, go speak to someone who actually makes decisions, not to someone on the bottom of the experience level scale. While I said that not all malfunctions may be detected this way, I thank you for your correction and emphasis of that easily overlooked statement. I have relayed advice given to me by my instructors, and people have already told the original poster to speak to their instructor, so I believe we are done here. Now look here. I am being respectful to you because you have so much more experience than me (and are probably older than me too), but that was really uncalled for. Now that you have seen my signature line and four of my posts on dz.com, I suppose you know everything you need to know about me, huh? Sheesh. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
The exit order is the reason. I only spoke about my DZ. What have I said that is wrong or incomplete? If you do not tell me and everyone else on here, we will not know. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
We put people who are pulling significantly higher than the rest, by a 1000' or more, behind the rest regardless of their discipline. I personally am not convinced this is a smart idea since they could have a cutaway, but highly experienced instructors at my DZ decided to make it so. I suppose that the risk the person would pose if they were put in the middle of the lineup and pulled high is greater than that of them cutting away and hitting someone. Since the people that are in this position are typically fairly inexperienced and may be flying up the line of flight after deployment, I can see where the instructors are coming from. Think of it this way. If they are in the back of the line and have a cutaway, they could be freefalling through the middle of the line on this jump. However, if you put them in the middle of the line, they have people freefalling around them on every jump. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
That is an extremely smart decision. Stick to this and you can't go wrong! -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
At the dropzone I jump at, this will mean you are mostly jumping alone. Most people at my DZ pull at about 3500'-3000'. If your decision altitude is 3000', this means you have to deploy somewhere around 4000', which means you cannot join most of the dives we do. You will exit at the back of the experienced line, right before the tandems. Occasionally there will be people willing to work with you, but mostly you'll be going at it alone. This may not be such a bad thing at 18 jumps, and with more experience you may feel comfortable working the hard deck down. I deploy at about 3300'-3200'. My hard deck is at 2000'. I have not yet had a cutaway, but from my experience with deployments there is more than enough time. After the snatch force you can, for the most part, tell whether it will open or not by looking up. If the lines are clear and organized into 4 line groups, the canopy is mostly square and not distorted and the slider is up, inflated and square, it will most likely open. There are some malfunctions, such as internal structural damage, that you cannot detect like this. These malfunctions may even be landable, depending on the extent of the damage and the size/planform of your canopy. The best thing to do to decide on a hard deck is to discuss it with an instructor who knows you well. Don't decide by reading some posts by some dorks on the internet. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
Me too! I've got all the toys! I even have a brand spankin' new CYPRES 2, not that original CYPRES, that's for old farts! Then again, I started to learn freeflying with no toys except a rig on my back. No audible, no AAD, no jumpsuit even. I did have a visual altimeter. In retrospect I think this was stupid, but I did it anyway. I admit, there is one device I am dependent on other than my rig. That device is my goggles, since I wear glasses and can't see all that well without them. I also like having at least one functioning altimeter on the dive. I can survive without one, I know what 5000' and 3000' look like, but I would consider an altimeter failure to be an emergency situation at my experience level. I'm actively working on changing this. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
According to Brian Germain and my experience trying what he told me to try (at 3000'), this is not safe. Not only are toggles inefficient for swooping because they greatly increase camber (curvature of the top surface) and drag of your airfoil, using toggles to initiate an intentional low turn, like a swoop, is dangerous. This is because you cannot stab out of the turn quickly. Try it up high, use the horizon as your reference. Get a nice quick 360 going and then at the bottom put the toggles all the way back up and stab. Betcha it won't swing you back under the canopy quite as fast as you would like. Another technique I learned on Brian's course is the half-flare during a turn. Suppose you are turning with the toggles and you need to plane out now. Do not bring the turning toggle back up, bring the other toggle down to it. If you turn the way I do, this will put you in half brakes. Your canopy will plane out very quickly and you will feel yourself get very heavy in the harness, which means you are accelerating up, that is, you're not going down. Quite fun, and potentially life saving. The problem with using this trick to swoop with the toggles is that, if you let the toggles back up, your canopy will surge down. This means you have to land from half brakes or more. You have half the flare, you've probably planed out way too high, and you're already going much faster than normal. There is a reason why all the swoopers use front risers. While following the crowd is not always a good idea, so is running the other way in a stampede. Just the other week a low toggle turn killed a skydiver with over a thousand jumps. Blues. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
Packing Sucks......Packing Sucks.......Packing Sucks!!!
Push replied to LGreg34's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
I vote for learning to propack first. That way, if you don't like psychopacking, you have a tried tested and true technique to fall back to. It really isn't that hard, but I still remember the first time I tried to stuff my Triathlon 160 into the bag with my roomies laughing at me. Here's my tricks. First, when you lay on it, lay on it for some time. Get all the air out, and then some. When you're lying on it, use your hands to stuff the fabric on the sides of the canopy under it, this will make the cigar tighter. Remember to roll down when you're doing this, towards the bottom of the canopy, otherwise you'll mess it up. Don't wait too long before starting the folds, you'll see it starting to fill up with air as soon as you stand up. Make the S folds quickly and deliberately. I use my hands and chest to keep it under control, some people use knees, whatever works, just don't let the fabric slide. If you use the conventional S folding method, when you make the first fold, the one where you fold the bottom of the cigar in a little "snake head", put a knee on the head of the snake when you're done with the fold, right where the slider grommets are. This next one is the most important one for me. When you're stacking the canopy on itself, to make every fold reach with one hand behind the canopy and grab the fabric where it closes, where you rolled the tail. This way, you're pinching the fold in the tail that keeps the packjob under control so that stuff doesn't slide out. After that I squeeze the thing in between my chest and knees so that it doesn't deform too much and make the top neat. Then you can carefully reach under the whole thing with one hand, press it up to your chest, put your elbows on the sides of the canopy and lift it up. Use your one free hand to slide the bag under it and spread it open, then slide the bag over the canopy, don't try to put the canopy in the bag. Do the locking stows up immediately, no matter how tired you are. One last thing, don't pack with your hands sweaty. Your hands will stick to the fabric and make it impossible to control. That's how I do it, good luck -
Not quite. Without the AAD, the risk would have been increased. With the AAD, the risk stays the same. By risk I mean risk of death, not risk of near-death experiences like CYPRES fires. It's a personal decision though. What works for you may not work for everyone. With 14 years of the CYPRES being in use, have we really seen this being a problem? Fair enough, I've never seen them except on video where they always wear helmets. This is actually relevant to the thread. He had 3 people (4 if there was camera) to get to him and it didn't happen. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
When did skydiving stop being about personal risk management and start being about rules? I know at least one person who will not do bigways without a CYPRES. I don't think that's unreasonable. If there's a higher chance of getting knocked unconscious on that jump, a risk that can only partially be mitigated by your skill as has been demonstrated by world champion skydivers burning in, why is it such a bad thing to require yourself to have a reliable AAD on this dive? It's like saying that if you can't do RW without a helmet, you shouldn't do RW at all. This attitude would disqualify Arizona Airspeed, so it can't be good. What was the name of that RW champion who did a 4 way without a CYPRES, got knocked unconcious, burned in, and caused everyone to rush and get an AAD? -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
Being Russian, I have been seething in anger the entire day. This is almost worse than 9/11 in the sense that they explicitly targeted school children. All I can say is that people like this are not people at all, they are animals. In Israel I remember taking the bus to school. Buses were packed with 50 or so children every morning, and there were hundreds of buses. Cars were a lot less common than they are around here. If the terrorists wanted to, they could have killed uncountable numbers of children in Israel. They did not do this, not even during the black week, because they understood that there are lines they should not cross. I can now say that there is an ape that looks like a human that I would not hesitate to kill. If Putin is ready to take off his boxing gloves and exterminate the Chechen warlords, I want to volunteer. As to the West, perhaps it's time to take this whole war on terror thing seriously, and help other countries that are fighting terrorism? If this would have happened in the US, borders would have been immediately closed, Chechnya would have been invaded with overwhelming force that includes tanks and airforce in maybe a month from today, every person with a gun in their hand killed and all villages under warlord control occupied or burned. Just like Afghanistan. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.
Or, in English, when you leave nylon packed you're applying a change in shape to it with very little force. Nylon does not resist changes in shape as long as the force that is causing them is not high. if you leave it packed for a long time it will assume that shape. However, the impulse, and hence force, on deployment is significantly higher, so the nylon will resist more and be much harder to unfold. Did I interpret correctly, professor? I'm not sure what the correspondence between rate of strain and stress is for nylon, but a convex growth seems to make sense. -- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.