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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy

    Forum FAQ

    So how did you get it down to the right size?? I haven't figured that one out yet. Sassy
  2. Sassy


    Yeah...I'm sure it would be just what the doctor ordered Sassy
  3. Sassy


    Between and divorce my productivity is in the negative numbers. But I appreciate the daily entertainment. Ok..I edited this to say sorry. I'm having a major pity party today and being way too negative. Just ignore me. Sassy
  4. Ugh..just when I thought the day couldn't get any worse Sassy
  5. Sassy

    San Marcos DZ

    That's where I'll be doing my AFF. Need to get 2 more tandems done first. Have done the first one with them already. Sassy
  6. I haven't worn them out yet. Just alternate between them so the poor little guys can have a break Sassy
  7. Hey, that's ok. I think my rabbit is good for a few more uumm...spins till the batteries are totally gone Sassy
  8. No such thing as too early. Come on over and help Sassy
  9. Alcohol...hmm...I think I have some Mike's Hard Ice Tea in the frig. Yep...I'll drink tonite Sassy
  10. I show up and pretend I'm a productive member of society. It's both good and bad that I'm the boss. Between divorce and I should just stay home most days, it's not like I'm getting anything done...LOL. But need to snap out of it soon. If this stupid weather would cooperate I'd say to hell with money and go jump...that would fix all problems except one And Sunshine..yep..I'm addicted. I might not say much here but I read it all
  11. Ok, you guys are making it tough to get work done , but thanks anyway, I needed the smiles this morning. Sassy
  12. Frisky!!! That's it.....that's the word I like it Sassy
  13. Letting the vixen out to play when you're alone can be a problem, there's only so many batteries in the world .
  14. I have several recurring problems lately
  15. Hhhmm....interesting. Might just be time to let the evil vixen out for some fun Sassy
  16. is a very good thing. Now if the right person would just appreciate it Sassy
  17. Ooh...can I use that in my profile too?? I like that description and umm it fits pretty well
  18. Amen to what Amber said. I'm a nice gal and I'm sure as hell not finishing first right now, I'm getting nailed to the wall. And I'm don't pick jerks, I have no problem with nice guys and actually prefer them. He started as a nice guy. And I'm going to take the advice given on previous posts and not say much here just in case. But divorce SUCKS Those of you who are nice guys, stay true to yourselves as Zennie said. What's meant to be will be and we'll all find our soulmates when the time is right. Sassy
  19. Cool! Nice way to wake up this morning
  20. *SIGH*.....I would LOVE to see some colors like those right now and not in someone else's pictures. Very nice Sassy
  21. In the process of getting a divorce. The marriage was in really bad shape when I did my first jump 71 short days ago. I was looking for something for myself, something to make me feel alive again in the hopes that the marriage could be revived and survive. But it's all for the best. I could no longer live with a dead robot who would do nothing but cut me down all the time. I guess it made him feel like a big man. He has his precious money BUT I have friends and family and will soon have skydiving on a regular basis. Who do you think is happier??? Sassy
  22. Well as soon as my divorce is final I'm selling the engagement ring. Can anyone say AFF and rig??? But umm...that was not an option listed above. Wait a few weeks before making this decision. Don't do anything rash that you'll regret later. Sassy
  23. Well if I end up losing custody of my SUV I'm going for a Mustang Convertible. Time for some FUN. Sassy
  24. He called me kid..LOL..I like that. And um..I generally don't go around looking down women's shirts to see if they are padded or not. I just know mine aren't Sassy