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Everything posted by SkydiveJonathan

  1. Romney and Ryan say that lowering tax rates and reducing or eliminating taxes on capital gains and dividends, while letting huge fortunes pass untaxed to heirs, will boost economic growth and mean prosperity for all. We already tried parts of that, starting with Ronald Reagan in 1981 and doubling down with George W. Bush in 2001. Empirical result: Flat to falling incomes for the vast majority, weak job growth, but skyrocketing incomes for the top one percent of the top one percent, including Romney.
  2. The two are an obvious choice to put together in the one sentence. I do not recall the occupy nuts affecting any elections or primary's You can not say that about the tea party as of late
  3. So he doesn't really have a buddy? MY story is nutbar! Doh!
  4. The two are an obvious choice to put together in the one sentence.
  5. Occupy Wall Street, one of the largest grassroots mass movements in U.S. history, celebrates its one year anniversary next week on September 17, and the group has planned not only a day of protest and direct action, but also weekend workshops in which protesters will bring awareness to ongoing projects, and lay out Occupy's vision for what will happen Sept 18 and beyond. The week leading up to Occupy's anniversary will include training in direct action, reflection on the past year of popular resistance, and ultimately the Sept. 17 action on Wall Street.
  6. In response to the news that France's richest man has applied for Belgian nationality, the country's leading left-wing daily has declared: "get lost, you rich bastard!"* The forthright headline, emblazoned across today's front page of Libération, is aimed at Bernard Arnault, CEO of the luxury fashion conglomerate LMVH. Arnault applied for Belgian nationality after the socialist president François Hollande proposed a new 75 per cent tax rate on earnings over one million euros. He denies he is trying to avoid tax, but Libération nonetheless condemns his decision as "a symbol of the arrogance of the wealthiest".
  7. Dr Cheng said fears of a disintegrating political model are now eating in economic confidence. "This legitimacy crisis is worse than in 1989, and may be the worst in the history of the Communist Party. People are afraid that it could lead to revolution if it is not handled well." The worry is that the transition could go badly awry as 70pc of top cadres and the military are replaced, the biggest changeover since the party came to power in the late 1940s. "That is what is causing capital flight. All the top officials are trying to get their money out of the country," he said. Dr Cheng grew up during the Cultural Revolution. That makes one very sensitive to the risks of sudden lurches in the Chinese ruling system, not always for the better. He said the scandal around Bo Xilai and the party machine in Chongqing – and the fight-back by Mao nostalgics – is a symptom of a much broader crisis. The word in Beijing is that Bo Xilai alone has squirreled away $1.3 billion, but there are other even worse cases. Mr Cheng said a former railway minister – known as Mr 4pc — had ammassed $2.8 billion. "This level of corruption is unprecedented in the history of China and unparalled in the world," he said.
  8. To win, Romney needs 61% of the white vote from a white turnout of 74%. That's a lot. In 2008, John McCain got 55% from the same turnout. "This is the last time anyone will try to do this," one Republican strategist told the National Journal. And Republican consultant Ana Navarro told the Los Angeles Times: "Where his numbers are right now, we should be pressing the panic button."
  9. Can't be much of a buddy if you've already forgotten his name.
  10. Human Rights Watch has released a report suggesting that waterboarding, a form of torture that President George W. Bush's administration insisted was only practiced on three detainees, was more widespread than previously known. The report mostly focuses on the counterterrorism relationship between Moammar Qaddafi's Libya and the Bush administration, in particular the US's practice of handing over suspected terrorists to Libyan authorities to be tortured.
  11. 3.5 million adults in the UK are addicted, and up to 700,000 children live with a parent with a drink problem. 6,000 children a year are born with fetal alcohol syndrome.
  12. Tests in 2010 showed that the best algorithms can pick someone out in a pool of 1.6 million mugshots 92 per cent of the time. It's possible to match a mugshot to a photo of a person who isn't looking at the camera too. Algorithms such as one developed by Marios Savvides's lab at Carnegie Mellon can analyse features of a front and side view set of mugshots, create a 3D model of the face, rotate it as much as 70 degrees to match the angle of the face in the photo, and then match the new 2D image with a fairly high degree of accuracy. The most difficult faces to match are those in low light. Merging photos from visible and infrared spectra can sharpen these images, but infrared cameras are still very expensive. Of course, it is easier to match up posed images and the FBI has already partnered with issuers of state drivers' licences for photo comparison. Jay Stanley of the American Civil Liberties Union urges caution: "Once you start plugging this into the FBI database, it becomes tantamount to a national photographic database."
  13. When there were unions and a decent minimum wage.
  14. She never earned her money and is whining about those who do.
  15. Earth’s richest 1,000 individuals now control as much wealth as the poorest 2.5 billion people on the planet. This super elite uses its vast wealth to control the media, influence politicians, and bend laws to their favor. In the US, the wealthy dominate our government: 47 percent of US representatives are millionaires, as are 67 percent of US senators. The Center for Responsive Politics reports Congressional wealth has increased 11 percent between 2009 and 2011.
  16. You don't believe we're entitled to an inheritance, then. I do, I just want it taxed like any other transfer. No...I don't think we are entitled to an inheritance. If however we are graced with an inheritance we are blessed to do with it as we like. Hopefully we manage it well or better than the prior benefactor and in doing so can pass it on responsibly to our future heirs. Or you can stuff yourself full of food and whine about the poor stealing from you like this stupid rich woman has done.
  17. Tuthmosis IV had a religious experience in the middle of a sunny day, recorded in the Dream Stele - an inscription near the Great Sphinx in Giza. But his visions were nothing compared with those experienced by Akhenaten. They encouraged Akhenaten to raise the status of a minor deity called the "sun-disk", or Aten, into a supreme god - abandoning the ancient Egyptian polytheistic traditions to start what is thought to be the earliest recorded monotheistic religion. If Ashrafian's theory is correct, Akhenaten's religious experiment and Tutankhamun's premature death may both have been a consequence of a medical condition. "People with temporal lobe epilepsy who are exposed to sunlight get the same sort of stimulation to the mind and religious zeal," says Ashrafian.
  18. The euro rose on the foreign exchanges on Wednesday after the Bloomberg financial news service reported that the European Central Bank was preparing to announce plans to buy unlimited quantities of government debt from troubled members of the single currency. Quoting central bank officials, the agency said the ECB was ready to take action to bring down the interest rates on borrowing paid by countries such as Italy and Spain.
  19. The data is either good, or bad. Removing your personal bias aimed at the person. She gets to show her personal bias and bigotry. I think she'll keep her mouth shut from now on in the reaction she's got.
  20. Good - the more grassroots pressure on them the better the job they'll do.
  21. I'll take that as a "no". That's a large majority for yes.
  22. The public is overwhelmingly behind the increase. This June, a Zogby Analytics survey of likely voters found seven out of 10 supporting a raise above $10 an hour (including 54 percent of Republicans). Notably, 71 percent of young people (18-23 years old) favored it. Likewise, last November's "American Values Survey" by the Public Religion Research Institute shows two-thirds of Americans in favor of a $10-per-hour minimum.