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  1. Took two friends for a tandem yesterday along with the girlfriend (who is going through AFF) and while waiting for the weather to clear after her jump Tandem student says.. "Skydiving and Cocaine, good thing they are both expensive or I would be in lots of trouble!!" Just thought I would share
  2. I own a restaurant and one of my best employees is my head hostess and she just turned 18...Age is not as important as PMA
  3. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=plcp&v=mJX-rpUkbm0 Scared to death after this jump....scratched the next jump but went back the next day and nailed it......hang on there
  4. I bought a sceptre for the soft openings....first jump on it was weird because of the kong snivel but have gotten used to it.
  5. Just got back in the air after a three month layoff....ahhhhhhhh
  6. I own a small business and tend to make up my mind whether I will hire you in the first 30 seconds I meet you. With that said if I had put you in the no category and then found out you jumped it might make me change my opinion.
  7. My Mother had the same motorcycle comment....Go buy a Motorcycle Orange Chicken the nit won't matter!!!
  8. Where did you get the idea that King's Bay is Top Secret? As stated many times in this thread the jumpers landed on a field next to the cafeteria....not a threat to national security, just to the afternoon snack.
  9. For the record nobody is thumbing their nose at the Navy....The issue is the Airport Commission not going through the proper channels to to revoke the permit. The Navy is actually being used as a pawn by the Airport Commission in order to achieve a different goal. There is a lot of back door dirty southeast Georgia politics going on that if you have never experienced is quite different than how things work in the rest of the world. Just remember that there are two sided to every story and somewhere in the middle lies the truth. THe spin form the paper is that the Navy is upset, and they are perturbed, but they also have supported the drop zone and it's presence at the airport in the past.
  10. So I think it is a shame that some of you post so negatively about a DZ being shut down.....what happened to getting each others backs? I realize that i am a noobie but one of the things that has drawn me to this sport is the camaraderie.... You are quick to point fingers without knowing the whole story...I was actually on the load where the two guys landed on the base and made it back..they thought they were at a different softball field.... And for the record the base was not as upset as the media has made it out to be, the Commission just decided to run with it......Cathy runs a great DZ and I will support her wherever she goes.