Hi Andrew, thank you for adding to the debate. There are good points made. For me, it also raised questions on the wingsuit part. 1) How is the risk of main/reserve friendlyness connected to flying a wingsuit? (And would you felt the same about disconnecting it if the rsl was a MARD?) 2) What is the personal preference of Scotty B coming from? Besides the pros of no rsl I also see cons: A wingsuit can (but should not) make it more difficult to reach your reserve handle. A wingsuit also adds stress and complicates a stable (reserve) opening, especially for beginners. A cutaway with a rsl often gives too much time for body rotation/tumbling, but not enough for stable flight, (hence the criticisms on the rsl) but does this apply to a MARD? I see three advantages of using a MARD. 1: less time for your body to tumble around and give uneven risers while opening your reserve. (fewer line twists?) 2: less chance of not finding your reserve handle, be it because its inside the suit, or because someone just fought a twists and unzipped their armwings. 3: fewer loss of altitude. Off course a sensible choice in pull altitude, canopy chioce, wingsuit fit, and attitude should prevent these scenario's, but there are many pilots (like yourself) that end up in a reserve ride at some point. At that point, given the scenario that you don't have that much time to recover and gain control of your wingsuit, wouldn't a MARD be a safer choice for wingsuiters?