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Everything posted by Ani

  1. Thanks a lot!! that makes a lot of sense^^ ironically the one time I got the pull sign during my education it came from the right:P
  2. Thanks a lot!! that makes a lot of sense^^ ironically the one time I got the pull sign during my education it came from the right:P
  3. Hey does anyone know how the hand signal for PULL (fist with one finger pointed out) actually originated?? We have a heated disscusion: nowadays the meaning of the sign is explained as a gesture conveing urgency - pull now! also one pointed finger is often employed in emotionally heated discussions, so its undoubtedly recognized as a powerful gesture and would provoke a fight or flight response - pull your parachute or die It could even be interpreted as a makeshift handle that needs to be pulled However one day as I looked at the sign on my own hand I noticed something remarkable: with the fist not entirely closed and the index only slightly flexed my hand formed the exact outline of a PARACHUTE PIN so could the sign actually be symbolizing the pin that has to be pulled? Has anyone ever heard of that?