I'm not a base jumper, but I have several friends/acquaintances who are. Some with plus/minus 100 jumps, some pushing 1000 jumps and one person with over 1000. The person I know with over 1000 jumps is Lonnie Bissonnette. I haven't known him long, but I can say that he is an amazing person who is wise, smart & experienced when it comes to base jumping. He has shared his knowledge with many, and has been there every step of the way, and then some, for those who have chosen to take up the sport under his guidance. His time and dedication to these people has been admirable and I think that these people are lucky to have him as a teacher/mentor. He has a great respect for base jumping and the base jumping community. I guess base jumping is something like skydiving or how 'bout life in general, in which every jump/experience is different, and with every mistake made, something is learned and then we grow from there.
He's just a guy who follows his dreams, is always there for everyone, gives for the joy of helping others in a sport he is so passionate about. He's always been there for all of his friends and students, never looking for reward or gain.
Right now he's down due to injuries from a base accident in July, but given some time, he'll be back at it.
Even though I'm a "wuffo" in base jumping, I would like to say thanks Lonnie! Thanks for being there for my friends & thanks for teaching them about the safety & ethics involved with base. I hope that at all of your base buddies will be there for you the way you have been there for them.
"Leap and the net will appear"