Measuring the wind speed under canopy with something like an anemometer wouldn't work, since airspeed is constant no matter what direction you're facing relative to the wind.
So you would have to use GPS and calculate wind speed as a function of how fast you're moving across the ground. And that would have to take into account the canopy speed. I.E. ground speed minus canopy speed = wind speed. And that would apply only if you're running downwind. If you're facing into the wind, then ground speed PLUS canopy speed = wind speed. So now you've got to have both a GPS and an anemometer, coupled together with some electronics.
And determing wind direction would require that you turn a 360-degree circle so it can calculate which way produces the fastest ground speed, in order to know the wind direction.
Gonna be complicated...
There is another, far simpler way around the problem. However to take the idea any further I need to know that the issue I'm talking about is a genuine problem or even just a nuisance to other parachutists - not just myself!