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Everything posted by RedITALY

  1. RedITALY

    Tube rings? RED Peace -RED-
  2. RedITALY

    Tube rings?

    HANDLE MODE You can see the ring for cutaway system (ONLY IN FOOT MODE) NO CHAIN but nylon strip (like a briddle) PVC pipe for hand sorry again about my english... RED Peace -RED-
  3. RedITALY

    Tube rings?

    My sistem is more light... The weigth is very important if you want grip(?) your tube under canopy... But attention! It is a very dangerous manouvre... The tube in have a 3 rings cutaway sistem and is 65cm. of diameter and long 6.5 mt. Very very light. Peace RED Peace -RED-
  4. RedITALY

    Tube rings?

    I have used the thread of TEFLON of 5mm.(used from the electricians in order to haul cables) rolling up it more times and hardening it with adhesive tape... Sorry about my English RED Peace -RED-
  5. RedITALY

    Tube rings?

    Io ho usato il filo di TEFLON di 5mm.(usato dagli elettricisti per trainare i cavi) arrotolandolo piu' volte e irrigidendolo con nastro adesivo... You can see it it RED Peace -RED-
  6. Sorry about my English... But the first man who tried this kind of fly (atmonauti) was Marco Manna in october 1999 in Bailen (Spain). Bravi Marco Tiezzi e Gigliola Borgnis per il lavoro di crescita... Peace RED Peace -RED-