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  1. Hey everyone! Thanks for the advice and replies. I went through with my first tandem jump ever with no hesitation. I weighed in at 234 lbs with a few layers of clothes on since it was 39 degrees that morning. The experience, unparalleled to anything, ever! Shame I did it so late in the season since I've decided it's not enough. Having a bunch of vacation days I am obsessively contemplating taking a vacation in Florida, seeing some old friends and obtaining an A license down there. Now my worry stems from me not being so flexible and agile. I'm currently 6'4 at 230's and worried that might be a deal breaker for my new love of "jumping out of a perfectly good plane".
  2. Hey everyone, I'm Dave from NYC! Very new to skydiving and scheduled a tandem jump on Novermber 3rd at SDLI. My concern is about my height & weight. Because I stand 6'4" @ 245 lbs I feel as though I'm a much higher risk and or danger to the TI and myself and would be way more gung-ho about the situation if I was 5'5" and 150lbs. The DZ told me over the phone I would be a perfect candidate for the jump but was wondering if any TI's or anyone for that matter has had experience with someone of my stature, if so please share. Thanks in advance, you guys are a great bunch from what I've seen so far from reading around the forum.