Im new.
No way around it and I'm not trying to push the envelope a whole lot. The flying part of my current skill level isn't what concerns me a whole lot. While I only have about 40 jumps, I have 2 hours of one on one tunnel time that has helped my body control in flight tremendously. I understand I'm an extreme novice, but with my freefall ability (belly flying) I have a lot of confidence. But that is gravity taking care of itself. The real skill to skydiving in my opinion is canopy control.
Currently I've been jumping (renting) a Silhouette 230. I feel good on this thing, I've spent a lot of time pulling at 5000+ to get the hang of it ie. riser turns, stall point, dives etc...but now I'm looking to fill a container that I purchaced with a Sabre2 210. I wanted to buy a container/ main that would give me hundereds if not a thousand jumps without me getting bored. My landings have been solid. have not crashed in, plf'd or even been close on the Sil 230. I guess my question is; How do I know when i can cut 20 more square ft out and how much different is the semi elliptical compared to the square ram chute Ive been using? Am I ready because I feel ready? As a long time motorcycle racer I've seen my share of crashes due to people thinking they are ready.
my stats are as follows: 6'00''
exit weight of 215