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  1. And isn't it amazing that with all our advances in technology and design, that we still close our containers the same way as that one - with a pin through a hole through a grommet.
  2. News: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local_news/article/Two-wounded-in-theater-shooting-4122668.php This one was stopped dead in it's tracks by an armed off-duty police officer, before the shooter could do much damage. A lesson for armed protection, over unarmed massacre? I wonder why the big names in national media aren't covering this incident? Perhaps because almost nothing happened, thanks to an armed citizen.
  3. What's a Vmc roll? When engine on one side is producing power, and engine on other side is not, and airspeed falls below the Minimum Controllable in that configuration, the engine producing power pulls it's wing over the top into a roll. Ah, thank you! I thought it meant visual meteorlogical conditions, but that didn't make sense in this context.