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Everything posted by themaninblack

  1. skydive baghdad? talk about your one track minds.... aw hell.... hey, when it opens, wanna put together the first ten-way? im lousy at rw just put me in the base and let me play rock huh? evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  2. actually i think we do evolve and are currently evolving. look for the dramatic examples for ease of visibility. rwanda. the hutus and the tutsis duking it out. mostly hutus slaughtering tutsis with machetes as i recall, some 700,000 of them. this is the bleeding edge of evolution, (gruesome pun intended) a tutsi with any survival potential grabs his kids and starts hiking, becomes a refugee, gets the fuck out of the area any way he can, if he can. failure to kill enough hutus/violently defend his chilren/run for it results in death of the tutsi, his kids and kin and the end of his bloodline. this is evolution. you either fight hard enough to ensure the survival of your genes or you get naturally selected right off the map. and this IS natural selection. the hutu/tutsi conflict is basically "wild" humans behaving as naturally as possible...ever seen the jane goodall chimp behavior studies? they do the exact damn thing. one group of chimps was observed to methodically hunt down and kill/assimilate a weaker group until there were none left. genocide among the chimps. rwanda is the same but writ large. theres another step beyond that though and "modern" civilization has taken it already. weve evolved past that sort of behavior (haven't we?) we know better than to slaughter each other we build big civilized societies and work together with taxes to build enormous war machines whereby we can continue to evolve only now we set the come here, fuck with our kids, we go there, evolve YOU off the map, remove a threat to our kids ensuring their survival. unlike the doomed tutsis, WE will defend our kids by any means necessary. including war. which is why theres no shortage of american kids but tutsis are an endangered species. its a competitive planet. they didnt learn better soon enough. you are the weakest link. goodbye. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  3. thats exactly what i mean. whether or not they want to go, they believe you keep your agreements. they gave their word and kept it. which is more than this guy did. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  4. i cant believe people are still constantly tickled pink by simple crude photo manipulation. youre probably the same people who still think digital watches are a really neat idea. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  5. you know what bugs me about mr young and stupid here? he's unable to conceive that anyone thinks other than he does. "I believe that it is impossible to achieve peace through violence," Funk said in a statement released by his lawyer Stephen Collier. "I hope other soldiers will find the courage to follow their beliefs," he added. they already ARE following their beliefs. thats why theyre in iraq. stupid. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  6. "but low ratings in the...ahem...meaningful forums." um, now enlighten me here, but...which forums are those? evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  7. basic funk repair instruction manual..... step 1: get a job packing, or...any nearby form of employment delivering at least enough money to live on mickeyfood and do a minimum of a jump or two a day...i find factories to be reliable if boring employment, myself, and you never run out of factories...(no factories where you are?) step 2: find some skydivers and just hang out with em. even if you don't know them just kinda hang out and dont do anything. sooner or later one of them will do something entertaining that probably involves removal of clothing in public and consumption of alcoholic beverages. let them hog tie you in your canopy or hit you with a pie or something. this will help with the no life part. step 3: imagine as vividly as you can your first few jumps before you kinda got used to going out that door. this includes the details like being so scared youre shaking, so excited the sound of someone yelling "DOOR!" is enough to give you a heart attack, then in your minds eye, grin hugely, shriek like a banshee and leap out the door like youre trying to take down a wildebeest with your teeth. this will help with the no-smile problem. you jumped out of an aircraft awhile ago. chances are you will again sometime in the near future. all else is trivial. step 4: being already at a drop zone with the skydivers from step 2, the fuel and sky problems are already handled. if current sky quality is unacceptable, whip out a case of beer pass a few around and bitch about the gray sky. politely. the sky will hear you and get right on the problem, i know for a fact the sky hates to be seen as boring and if it has been neglecting you and you let it know, it will mix up a nice batch of blueness with occasional puffies for decorative purposes blended well with a warm lightly breezy air mass and send it your way. the sky being somewhat large it may take some time to reach you but rest assured its on its way. did i miss anything? evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  8. how about: "adios!" "we endanger species" "this ordinance brought to you by your friends at the pentagon" "objects in mirror are closer than they appear" "don't worry, allah will protect you....right?" evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  9. nuts. from the replies so far i already know i wont be the lightest bird out there then. as if it matters. flying till your protrack gets bored and stops counting sounds good enough.
  10. whos the lightest/widest/tallest birdman out there? im just another fun jumper at this point but im looking at about 111 jumps before i can try a suit...reason i ask this is i fall so stupidly slow even without a suit im wondering what will happen when i get 5'10" 135 lbs, 155 with rig if i dont wear the boots i use for extra weight and fall rate. my protrack says i have no problem getting a continuous average fall rate down into the mid-90's...i thought that cant be right and tried wearing protrack in several different pockets as well as helmet....nope, its not mistaken ive got dives where my max speed was 104 and average was 99. and no im really no good at RW i just get left hanging up there. im flexible enough to arch so far i can almost kick myself in the back of the head with the bottoms of my feet, got it on video, doesnt help. the camera guy who shot that had to wear a camera suit with large wings to stay up with me. last week i got a dive where the only way i could keep up with the RW guys i got separated from was by a standfly. ive already been told too many times im perfect for a the question is how much do the birdpeople weigh in at? whos the lightest one so far? and how long does he/she fly? evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  11. imagine the fun you could have with THIS puppy. 20 years old and still climbs rocks. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  12. oversize canopy way too big for me blew me to kentucky evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  13. i think this is funny but i must be nuts no one else is laughing evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  14. i thought my main looked a bit ragged hard deploy told me i was right evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  15. i should have changed the rubber band now i will never find my freebag evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  16. i jump in the morning blue sky so inviting big grin on my face evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  17. was it a spontaneous thing or common custom in this forum evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  18. did any one notice everything here is submitted as haiku? evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  19. drop zone in spring cool air prop roar lot of mud better land it standing evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  20. jump two weeks ago frozen fog all in my face can not see the oof. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  21. i would like to point out that in israel the jews consider hucking rocks at tanks and troops to be a shooting offense. huck rocks at me, huck lead at YOU. hucking rocks being so simple is often regarded as angry but relatively trivial, certainly not an attempt/assault on your life. wrong. as a child my cousin threw what he claimed was battery acid at me. i ducked. fast. then ran. he pursued. still packing the "acid". i, being a savvy tool user, picked up a rock and took him the fuck out from 50 feet with a granite punch to the cranium. damn near killed him actually. one rock, one shot, one asshole dropped. you bet i got my ass beat for that by parental units later, but point being, all it takes is one rock. if id been that lady in uniform i might have tried drawing my weapon at least... over several potentially deadly situations ive learned that conflict can be neatly avoided simply....someone shows you a knife, draw a bigger knife and smile at them. i have also used a remington 870 express and a razor sharp fake japanese katana to make my point at times in the past when threatened by individuals either mentally disturbed or done up on crack or crystal. not once has my potential opponent taken me up on it when i upped the stakes in such a fashion, and to this day ive never actually had to USE any weapon to defend myself....merely displaying and grinning was sufficient. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  22. AMEN evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  23. hey. id rather be deafened than become an unfortunate victim of a mutated megatortoise. ever gone one on one with one of those things? you have NO idea how much damage they can do in close quarters man last time i took one of those suckers on in my apartment i had to replace half the carpeting most of the drywall and three doors. next time im not fuckin around im dropping the sucker with a .454 round to the head pronto. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  24. i had another cat a couple years ago was really fast but not too ran at the side of a brick building 3 stories tall...brick is kinda porous you know...without changing speed the cat did a 90 degree change in direction and ran straight up the wall till it hit the eaves and couldnt go any higher. then it just hung there clinging to a brick wall meowing cause it realized it had screwed itself. finally made a nice float exit and landed on the bark stuff they put under evergreen shrubs. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.
  25. bwahahaha i got this critter loves to play with the little plastic curly things you peel off to open a milk jug, right? cat decided to teach me to play fetch, bugged me with a curl till i took it and threw it. game on! cat like bolt of lightning dashes off at warp 9.75, collides with the wall takes out some shelving comes back to me tail high spring in her step drops the curl at my feet and sits there with an expectant look. how cute. cat now builds little stashes of curls in hidden places and if im away fromthe house too long i find little piles of curls on my bed. freaky thing is the cat can do this in the pitch dark. i never knew how good their vision was till i saw the cat retrieve the curl from a totally curtained unlighted room. cat also LOVES to be spun on my computer desk chair. cat sees me coming dashes to get ahead of me and claims the chair before i sit. if i spin the chair hard and fast the cat will spread out wide hang on for the ride for as long as i can spin it. stop the chair and the cats head bobs around in circles for a bit and if the cat hops off she staggers around and falls over. as soon as shes undizzy shes back on the chair for more. weird animal. evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.