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Everything posted by RevJim

  1. Oddly enough, when I'm pretty down, comedies do nothing for me. American Beauty does it for me. No matter how bad things seem in my life, that movie is a reminder that this is just one day of an oh too short life, so I better get up and make something of it. Works every time.
  2. Ok. ***Poof*** You're a moderator. Damn, it worked! Anyway, thank you for all your hard work and dedication to this forum. I haven't had to post here with a question for a long time. I've had questions, of course, but a search in here with your username and relevent keywords almost always gives me the answers.
  3. Nope, never seen 'em. Must be a SC thing. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  4. RevJim

    A few books

    I do love to read also, Bill, but lately have not been able to afford much for leisure, let alone books. What is the "Kindle" you speak of? It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  5. Only if it's crap tequila. The good stuff should never have its' taste killed by any lesser alcohol. Personally, I'd much rather be sipping on a good 15 year Dalwhinnie or an even better 17 year Dalmore. Sadly all I have is some Johnny Walker Black label, which is crap to me, but just might do. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  6. Nope. At least in my opinion. Some others may not agree, but I think none of my life would qualify as movie material. The last year of my life, on the other hand, would translate well into a daytime soap. Not just a few episodes either. The whole damn show. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  7. I have but three words for you. Drink. Some. More. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  8. I agree with this statement whole heartedly! Wondering if you're in Love? Ask yourself this simple question: "Why do I Love (insert name here)?" What did you come up with for an answer? I honestly hope you couldn't come up with a reason. Love doesn't need a reason. It's something that can't be explained rationally. If you can explain why you Love someone, it's not Love. It's Like. Sure, there are many things to Love ABOUT someone, but to be IN Love with someone, well, you just know.
  9. Aarrggghhhh! Mental bleach needed. ASAP! Now I gotta close the thread. EEEWWWWWW! It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  10. NICE! If I didn't have such an awsome girlfriend, you'd have a stalker. Yea, that's what turtle is, but at least I'd admit it... It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  11. Hold on a minute. It's that the classic "Catholic School Girl" outfit? That would make me a "Father". Ewww. No thanks. No altar boys for me. Skip the outfit. In fact, skip all the clothes! It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  12. Thanks! I think some things do get batter with age... And diet! It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  13. I can't remember if I posted this picture or not, but it's one of me that, for once, turned out and looks pretty good. It's the full picture of my avitar.
  14. Usually true, but not always. I'm the anamoly. With her for 16 years, married for 11. Bought the house almost 6 years ago. Getting divorced, and I have the house. Of course, I also have no money, because she has the kids... It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  15. I've always been about lyrics more than popularity. Every once in a while I get lucky and a great lyrical song gets popular, but then the group tends to water down their music to stay popular, which is a travisty. Here's a couple: My newest addiction, Thriving Ivory. The music and lyrics are very moving, and really make you think. Songs create imagery in your mind. If they don't, you don't listen to them again. Thriving Ivory's music creates a different image for me every single time I hear a song. In today's music world, that's pretty unique. Enough, in fact, that their self title debut disk (indy label) is the first full album I've purchased in 15 years, or more. I'm that impressed. Research them and you'll be impressed. Link: The other that has a similar effect on me is Secondhand Serenade. Very powerful lyrics, delivered subtly. Essentially a one man band with an incredible voice, a story to tell, and the ability to tell it so it hits every listener differently. Link: It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  16. You could always shave.... But it still might get caught on her zipper... It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  17. Aaarrgghhhh! No, really. Beans, yea. Corn, no. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  18. Even a blind squirrel finds the occasional nut...I'm bettin' you still got a cornfield named after ya ! Bah! Never landed in the corn. Did swoop through it once to hit the landing area (grass runway) at Wolf River Skydivers, and that was enough to teach me you NEVER land in corn. That shit hurts. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  19. I do wear a helmet. When I want the camera rolling. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  20. And the canopy, in flight, hitting the PRO circle. Got the canopy (barely) used, and will be changing the color scheme for my Firebolt. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  21. Ok, finally found the pics. I'm a simple person, with simple tastes, and a strange sense of humor... It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  22. Much easier (and cheaper) to upsize the body. It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  23. Thinks I actually looked at his rig. LOL! Where's those pics of mine now... It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
  24. There, fixed it for ya. Don't look too far ahead in this sport, if you want to stay ahead of the sport, Murphy, and the reaper. I downsized, a few times, probably way too fast. The I upsized to where you are. Planning on staying there too. I'm getting better, more high performance canopies, but in the same size range.
  25. That extra o must make it, like, um, super cool! It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1