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Everything posted by Proximity

  1. Could you elaborate on what NZA told you about the differences? I'm curious aswell
  2. Hi everyone I will be going on a road trip with a friend from may 10th till the 2nd of june and we will be in San Fransisco for a few days in the beginning (10.-14. May) Anyone from or around SF wanting to meet up during that time? Would love to see the city and hang out with someone local (aswell as maybe a couch to crash on ) Looking for recommondations and places to see and visit after san fransisco. National parks, cities, dropzones to get a couple of jumps in while passing by. Anything worth seeing/doing. If anyone knows about any good events going on around mid-end of may please let me know, happy for any info we don't really have a plan in mind what route to go yet but want to see yosemite/grand canyon/monument valley etc. and probably going to be in lodi/perris/elsinore/oceanside some time along the way. Thanks for your guy's help, looking forward to meeting some awesome people on the way!
  4. Probably would go with the xfire by icarus spain on this one, pretty much the only canopy at this time with the schumann platform without x-bracing think if makes it more efficient/faster than some of the older designes.
  5. Leia 73, WL around 2,6 or so. Distance run with a fair bit of downwind. No front risers, going for the same as kh286 with the constant increase in vertical speed (not the best in this one). Correcting a bit in the beginning causing the dip there but after that getting a good consistant line in dive angle maxing out at right around 90°. 3 second recovery and 12 seconds for the turn is what i feel works well with the leia doing a 450. Can link you to a outside video if you pm me and are interested. 450 leia.CSV
  6. Should be no problem with the new gopro housing sizes, because the new gopro cases are skinnier than the hero2 case there should be no problem mounting hero 3 and 4s to any hero2 mount.
  7. Since the 7D Mk2 has been anounced by Canon a while back, i was thinking about changing my still camera setup. Replacing my 100d / sigma 10-20mm setup with a 7D mk2 / sigma 15mm setup would mean about 300g more wieght, but the 10 FPS of the mk2 and the 65 (!) cross type autofocus points got me thinking. They say it has the same focusing tech. as the 1Dx, the Canon guys really stress the supposed speed of the camera. I really think the mk2 would be a viable upgrade in performance, speed and image quality to my current setup, dispite the 300g more wieght. Even tho the camera is nearly as heavy as the 5D Mk3, getting a 24mm lense (15mm on a aps-c sensor equivilant) will be more expensive and a substantial increase in overall wieght, and does not justify the large differenc in price and wieght for the better images it would preduce. Sure, the real autofocus speed and performance of the camera is yet to bee seen, but on paper it looks quite promising. What do you guys think? Any input? Thanks :)
  8. I think you might be talking about the Tie-Dye colors. On the Vector price list there is no price given (call for prices) but i think it is quite expensive, my guess is 250usd+ but I also might be totally wrong. Here is the page Mirage has explaining the Tie-Dye a little, most large companies have it as an option and they all pretty much look the same, you can choose the colors, some combinations may work better than others tho.
  9. Hi guys I'm at 70 Jumps and did some first jumps trying to get into sitflying. I'll be going to Bedford in 2 weeks and got myself 2 hours in the tunnel. I have never been in a tunnel before, so my skydiving is all the experience i had so far. I finished my swiss skydiving licence at around 55 Jumps. How much progress can i expect to do in Bedford aprox. I think good belly flying + some decent sitflying? What do you guys think? Blue skies
  10. Thanks for all the input, I havent actually been able to use the LED yet, i have been using a Pro-Dytter my cusin gave me for the last 10 jumps. I have done all my jumps so far before that with an analog alti on my hand and never failed to keep altitude awareness, exept on my first RW jump with an instructor, but he gave me a good hand signal to seperate, I was told I wasn't the only one to loose track of hight at the first RW jump (: The main reason i made this was because of my job and looking at the pieces and thinking: hey, for 20 bucks, why not try to get something like this working. If you got all the equipment to tinker with, why not use it once in a while? ;D I surely will test it someday but the first place i would go with any new piece of equipment is to the instructor at the DZ and ask him about his thoughts on it.
  11. Well then i guess L&B added the LED port just for people who "do something wrong" ;) For me it's just another warning, added to my altitude awarness arsenal and not for compensating anything i would be doing wrong lol If you think its useless, fine then dont get a LED :P
  12. OK so i ordered some stuff and wired and pluged it all together and made this: (see attached picture) You can customize the colors you want to have by disconnecting the + and - leads from the optima cable and re-attaching them to the hypeye. available colors: red, orange and blue, with or without a set of 3 red LEDs on the edges. Or only the 3 red edge LEDs giving a possible 2 combinations, if that made any sense ;D Total price for everything (excluding the optima2 of course) is 20 usd, give or take. Things ill be adding in the next few days: -adjust overall length, so there isn't more room inside the helmet being used than necessary -Better connectors between both cables (isolated better / cleaner finish) How much would you guys be willing to pay for it if you would be looking for something like this? I was thinking i would be able to sell them for the price of 1 Jump ticket (40chf/43usd here in Switzerland) Blue skies
  13. Thanks for the input I saw the LED from optima, but i like how the Hypeye LEDs are (at the tip of the cable, pretty good sealed, easy to stow under the helmet pading and robust). You can get the MMCX male jack (the one that fits into the optima 2) for around 10$ and a spare hypeye led cable for 10$ or the mini hypeye for 50$. I asked the manufacturer if it would work if i strip the wires and derectly solder the plug onto it. Then you yould get a hypeye LED for your optima 2 for 20$ which is in my opinion the best solution. Ill post the respond i get here and may post some pictures of the final product when im finished (won't be anytime soon tho) cheers
  14. Hello everyone I'm planing on getting a new Optima2 w/visual port and i would like to use a hypeye D pro with it. As far as I saw, you have to get the expansion kit and rewire some stuff inside the round box. All the soldering and such is no problem for me as I work with comparable things every day but i would like to know if it is possible to get a direct connection from the optima2 to the LED at your eye without that black box thing inbetween? My helmet doesn't really have enough extra space to spare. Thank you