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Everything posted by JohnRish

  1. JohnRish


    How quickly you seem to have forgotten all the embassy attacks in that continent. And where did the 9/11/01 attackers train? Yeah, some piss-ant forum nation where we left them alone to plot and train. What would be your response and strategy to these terrorist attacks?
  2. Not bullshit. States can implement their own procedures, as apparently Iowa has done. This is the same process the Feds would like to implement on a national scale. And if the Feds do it, it supercedes state law. The Feds require the personal approval of the FBI for every transaction - and that's not a "private" sale. A private sale is between two individuals, periood, no one else. Thus, implementation of federal background checks, which requires a licensed gun dealer as an intermediary, is not a private sale.
  3. It's not semantics, it's the law. In order to deal in firearms for profit, you must be licensed by the BATF, and you must do background checks. Many of the vendors at gun shows are such dealers, and do the checks. If you're dealing without a license and background checks, then you're breaking the law. Private sales done infrequently are not "dealing", such as selling off a few guns on an irregular basis. If a private unlicensed individual is selling guns repeatedly on a regular basis, the BATF already has the authority to look into that and charge for a crime. No new laws are needed, just enforcement of existing laws. What this gun show "loophole" ban is really all about is outlawing private gun sales.
  4. JohnRish


    How quickly you seem to have forgotten all the embassy attacks in that nation. And where did the 9/11/01 attackers train? Yeah, some piss-ant forum nation where we left them alone to plot and train.
  5. Where's the paint brush? Right here! (See attached jpg image) Maybe he's an artist in his spare time? Or maybe it's used to brush sand off of his weapons.
  6. JohnRish


    Mali is the problem. Should we just let AlQueda take over that country and have a safe haven from which to attack us?
  7. Who said anything about guns? Please keep that stuff in other appropriate threads. This one is about dangerous car control.
  8. I think you should have to pass a test and have a license in order to be able to own one, and then it should have to be registered. Oh wait..... Yeah, but despite all those tests, licenses and registrations, we still have car carnage. So it's time to move beyond bureaucratic regulation which doesn't work, and just outright ban the darned things.
  9. We don't need no stinkin' proof! What counts is that we can get everyone stirred up emotionally in order to pass some instant rules and regulations to control these dangerous vehicles, and stop the massacre. And even if they're really only involved in a small portion of traffic accidents, well, we'll still feel much better psychologically as a nation for "doing something" about the problem, and we'll be better off without them anyway. And if a minority of people have to do without something they love, so be it. Damn the facts and statistics, let's do it!
  10. Darned right! You should have to prove that you have a need for such a vehicle, and then pay extra for registration, insurance and training to operate it. The government should determine who can have such cars, and under what conditions they can be operated. They're not for everybody.
  11. Yeah, but what right do you have to do that and endanger the public? For the sake of protecting innocents, such high performance cars should be banned.
  12. site-wide, or just this forum? When is he coming back? Well, considering that he got slapped down for creating sock puppets, I'm gonna guess that it is site-wide and permanent, regardless of what it was originally. Some people say he's sort of like mountain man Jeremiah Johnson: "he's out there still", and has been all along, despite the best efforts of moderators to banish him forever. Perhaps they should realize that anything they do to try and keep him out, has a work-around. And that all they're doing is wasting their time in a useless and irrational program of persecution. Besides, what's so horrible about what he's been saying? Nothing. It's just turned into a big liberal-moderator-hate-fest against him, because he debates to persuasively in favor of things like guns. Maybe they should just let him back in under his original user name and leave him alone. The only way they can stop him is to ban all new user registrations, and that would devolve this forum into a private good-old-boy network. I don't think anyone want's that, except a few of the good old boys. But hey, they can't stand to admit that he's defeating them... Oh, John says that if you don't see him here next week, it's not because of another moderator deletion, it's because he's working out of town in the field away from a computer. But he'll be back again when he can. Well, this one will probably soon be deleted too. So he'll see you again later in some other form. Have a good day!
  13. Okay, someone has to say it: "I'd tap that!"
  14. The point is not that you already have your low beams on, the point is that even your low beams are blinding oncoming drivers. So, you need to do something about adjusting them, or putting a baffle on the top, or something, so that they don't shine so high.
  15. Ground penetrating radar imaging should determine pretty quick if there's anything like that underground.
  16. Depends upon how much money you've got as to whether or not it would be worth it to wait in that line to save a few bucks. Rich people won't, poor people will.