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Everything posted by canopywhore

  1. Mullins plane is one of my favorites. I know the plane is fast but I think Mike is a great pilot. I would ride with him in anything. As for the door, the Otter is better for doing serious 4-way, but Mike flies slow enough that my friends normally put 4 out and once and awhile 5. For some reason I like to jump from The Shark, I don't know if its the name or the paint. I jumped from a Stearman and femured, so the jury is still out on that. The c-182 is good for a jump when you can say I can't remeber that last time I jump a 182
  2. Chile I don't want to hi-jack this thread but, I was wondering how the recovery is going. I want to jump really bad but I don't know if I'm ready yet.
  3. I live in Arizona and I've jumped at both DZ's. Jak and his staff go out of their way to make sure you are at home. When I go to Perris I feal like I'm playing in my backyard. They have a great bar and restaurant. Someone posted about the zoo RW dives. I would have to agree that sometimes the jumps are adventurous, but all the LO's are willing to jump with you on a 2-way or some sort of smaller jump. I took my girlfriend to Perris with about fifty jumps and we only did 4-way. I've been to Elsinore a couple of times and it's been great every time. Hammo jumped with us for the Poker event and taught me more in 5 jumps than I had learned in 250 jumps with my friends. You really can't go wrong
  4. I was limping aound on Sunday but I didn't see you. What happened to the dedication and hard training?
  5. I'm glad you were able to walk away. I wasn't so lucky, I femured on my 2nd jump on a new canopy. I am past the 500 jump mark and up until this I hadn't suffered any injuries that kept me from jumping. I also admit even if I had read your story before I still would have done what I did. The good news for you is your thinking about jumping this weekend, I thinking of jumping for New Years if I can run by then.
  6. My fastest is 224 in a 3-way flower. I had FF pants and a sweatshirt on.
  7. If you are really in a hurry to do this I think Marana will have a coach course for Thanksgiving weekend. Check their website
  8. I am one of those lucky people from AZ, we jump about 50 weeks a year. When I'm at Eloy it's turbine madness you pick the aircraft. During the winter Mike Mullins and his awesome king air is down the road for a change of pace. If you like the boogie til ya puke thing MSC has one about every 3 months in a king air. I don't mind driving so once and awhile I head to PVS or Elsinore, and they have great otters.
  9. some of the best money I spent was doing 4-way comp with BikerBabe! I had a blast and we funneled half our exits!
  10. I think it's ok for you to not want to jump, but for me it is something that I want to do all the time. I femured in July and I haven't gotten to jump yet. As time goes on I think about it more and more. I finally had to get on so I could find people to talk to during the week. A couple of weeks ago I went to a dz for a boogie and packed for my friends for FREE! I haden't missed a weekend since Jan and now I've missed almost 5 months, for Christmas I'm hoping to be well enough to jump 5 days in a row.
  11. I tell my parents about some things, but not everything. I haven't told them that on my first jump there was a fatality. I have told them about other fatalities and incidents. I have an open relationship with them and I want them to know that I understand the risks involved. They were partially prepared for the call they received when I broke my femur 1500 miles away. My mom has told me that the only reason she can accept what I do is, I have wanted to do this since I was a small child and the fact that I love what I'm doing. I think watching me race cars also has numbed them to the danger factor.
  12. Thank You now I'll have an excuse to go to the Tunnel. Now all you have to do is build it!
  13. I've jumped one of those canopies before. I would reccomend flat packing it and rolling the nose past the b-lines. The slider change and rubber bands are also great ideas. I don't know anyone who hasn't been smacked by one of these before. Be sure that the slider is tucked in good, you don't want it to come loose.
  14. My first year I made 318 jumps. My second year I made 209, I had a girlfriend that didn't jump. So far this year 36. This year my girlfriend got her license and I planned on doing 300 again. Unfortunately I didn't plan on breaking my femur. I haven't jumped since july 13 and it's driving me crazy. I payed for all my jumps so far.
  15. Static-Line at Marana Skydiving Center.
  16. I broke my femur in July. So far they have charged my insurance 20,000+ for hospital, 5,600 for surgeon, 1,800 to put me under, 750 for xrays, 400 for blood work, and that's only the ones I know about. I don't know what they paying for rehab, ambulance, and doctor's visit. Yes very expensive jump. If you don't have insurance I guess you have to file bankruptcy? I hope you heal up soon.
  17. canopywhore

    night jumps

    I've made about 6 or 7 night jumps. They have been at 3 different DZs. The briefing is very important. Stick to your planned dive and pull altitude. Personally I find that after opening I can become disoriented(the buildings on the airport look diff at night). I would make sure and make at least one jump during the day. I like to reference the landing area to the runway and or tower beacon. That way if you locate the runway you can find the landing area. If you don't have a lighted altimeter don't worry a small chem light and some duct tape works wonders(ask somebody at your DZ). At the last Jump I was on the guy running the briefing informed us "a left-hand 270 hook over the DZ is not a left-hand pattern". GOOD LUCK!
  18. good morning B^2, your up early? I think I didn't appreciate where we live until I started skydiving. I never have to worry about the weather I just want to know when first jump is.
  19. canopywhore


    well B^2 I didn't see your landing, hope your ok. I'm sure that your beauty caused the Germans to stand there, they probably have never seen a sexy heart throb skydiving diva.
  20. #1 is the worst, in any other situation you might be able to jump if the weather or whatever else changes.
  21. I know where your coming from, broke my femur on July 13. It just occurred to me that I might go thru a repack cycle with only 2 jumps. I barely to the point where I can walk without a cane. I hope your rehab goes well. Hopefully your therapist will be a hottie.
  22. I just wanted to tell everybody something they probably already know. The people at Chicagoland Skydiving rule. In July my girlfriend and I decided to take a vacation to Michigan to visit some of her family. We brought our gear with us of course. We flew in to Chicago and headed straight for Chicagoland. We were signing waivers in street clothes, with our gear in the car, when some skydivers invited us on a 6wayRW. I thought at the time wow they didn't even ask about our jump numbers or experience. The jump went as planned and we pulled off 5 or 6 points. Then came the second jump of the day. I decided I would take advantage of the 50$ bi-plane jumps they were offering. To make a long story short I broke my femur on landing. This is where the jumpers really shined. When the ambulance picked me up(literally) one of the skydivers asked if they would take me to a different hospital than the one they were planning on. They told me it was farther away, but I went with the skydivers recommendation. It turned out that he knew what he was talking about. The hospital I ended up at had orthopedic surgeons on site. I received better care than I would have at home. I received calls from some skydivers the next day and someone from the DZ even came by to see if I needed anything. The people at Chicagoland went out of their way to make us feel at home. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the skydivers at Chicagoland for being so nice to me and my girlfriend. I'm also sorry that I became a statistic at your DZ. And in case anybody is still reading this no I didn't make it to Michigan I was released from the hospital 5 days later and flew home.
  23. Jessica, the best thing you can do is e-mail mike directly at There are a couple different rumors going around right now. Mike is good about returning mail and he'll give you the best answer. Last year the jumps were 13$ all season. Mike flies from sun up to sun down. I've jumped there the last 2 winters and it definately has a more laid back approach. 12 jumps in a day is no problem.