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Everything posted by ChuckMartin

  1. Myself, another coach, and another student are going to be going to the tunnel sometime this week if you want to go. That price you get from the DZ is the best price you can get. Its basically the price discount you get if you buy 20+ hours.
  2. Why would you turn them off because you are landing with the plane? I have had to land with it a few times and have never even thought about turning it off and nobody else did either. I don't think a planes decent would ever reach the speeds needed to activate the ADD into thinking its on a skydive or hit the speeds it needs fire an AAD.
  3. Talk to Vic or the girls at manifest. We have a deal worked out with Ifly for our students. Its 15 minutes for like $180 ($180 is what? The cost of one redo?) that is a pretty good deal. A lot of the guys that work there jump at San Marcos. Waz even works at both places. When you go just let them know you'er a skydiver and not just a random person off the street. When I was doing my AFF I kept having to redo jumps because I could not stop turning left, went to the tunnel and it fixed everything. It will help a lot. See you when you get to coach jumps. ;)
  4. I'v been to a few, some of the oldest and the newest. If all you're working on is back and belly stuff I don't know if it would really matter that much. Both Orlando and NH are 12ft so like my wife says the size doesn't matter. I think NH has a higher max speed. Looks like NH costs a little more also. Might be better to spend that extra money, plus what you would spend on getting there, on more time in Orlando. I'v never been to Orlando but I can tell you out of the 5 I have been to I like NH the least. Nothing wrong with it but it I had the choice there are others I would go to.
  5. 100% fake. Ever hear of a Pilot 149? Or a Pilot as a reserve for that matter? Also lists the first one as having a PD 160-176 in it. Also both of them are no longer on there. Not ended just taken down.
  6. +1 If you are thinking months and not years you don't really have to over think it this much. Put it in a cool, dark, dry place. Heat and UV light can damage it.
  7. Arch, track, ball up, pitch. All four could work depending on how bad the spin is.
  8. That should help. When companies talk about what will fit most the time they will say how they measure. Like these lines, this kind of material. Some canopy companies have use low bulk nylon (Aerodyne ZPX, PD's Pulse, ect) Aerodyne says that ZPX packs 17% smaller then ZP so a Pilot 168 in ZPX would pack like a 150 (really a 148.344) Now getting pack to your question.... Here is the pack volume according to Parachute Labs (first one I found online) and PIA. PL PIA SABRE 170 390 397 SABRE 170 w/MICROLINE 364 -- And paragear lists it at 364. Aerodyne lists the pack volume of the I4 as 368/393 (min/max). So.... If you go by the sizes they list then, no. Go by the math they list and use PL's numbers or paragears numbers then, yes. If you go by PIA then, no. Aerodyne does say "Range of acceptable Aerodyne main canopies" on the page they list Icon sizes and they list the Pilot 168 as a pack volume as 416 which is a lot bigger then PIA says the Sabre is. You know you could always email Aerodyne and ask them, they are nice folks.
  9. SD San Marcos in Texas. We have a pool that we do water training in all the time and they do a free B license canopy course. Bunk room is $10 bucks a night. I did my AFF here and moved to Texas from VA so I could jump here. Really nice friendly place. Cool area too, Austin and San Antonio are pretty close. Truth is any of the DZs people have said here will work.
  10. Collapsible. It makes it so the pilot chute brakes down or collapse. It reduces the drag on the canopy after your main has opened. On larger canopies this is not a problem but for people that want to get more speed taking away that drag really helps. Most people use them after they come off student status. Most DZ's don't use these on student gear because when you start packing it yourself it is one more thing to remember. Some people go as far as getting a RDS (Removable Deployment System) that can take off the slider, pilot chute, and D bag.
  11. I have seen them at a few boogies and just went ahead and ordered one the other day. Chris is really helpful I wanted a small change done to the suit and said it was not a problem. For what you get the price is great. Plus there options are really well priced, $6 for a pocket instead of $20, $15 for a zipper instead of $45 Ect... When you see one of these suits in person you really get an idea for the quality of it. If anybody has seen the tug of war demo you know what I am talking about. I don't think many other companies would not only let you but ask you to try and damage their suits. Their website could use some work and they are not the fastest at returning Email or answering questions but it is a small company and you can't expect the everything to be perfect, but even going with a bigger company that does not always mean the customer service will be great there either. Ill post again once I get the suit and jump it a few times.
  12. They just do. I asked the same question to a few riggers and got the same answer, "they just do" every time. I was jumping two different Saber 2s one was always fine and one always had this problem. Had the line trim looked at and everything was fine. I packed the same way on both so I know it was not my packing. Sometimes things just happen. I started pulling out the end cell noses a little when I pack and that fixed the problem. Rears, more then brakes, worked better for me to open up the end cells.
  13. Came out today I think. Got about 1/2 way through it so far. Pretty cool seeing all the work behind the jump.
  14. Not not really. You got all sensational about how dangerous it was without knowing any of the facts. And then even after getting them, and admittedly having zero experience in jumping tandems you were again weighing in with you expert safety observations that your didn't think it was a good idea. The guys has 18 jumps and he appears to be fishing for someone that will tell him what a reckless bunch of yahoos the "non USPA" pirate operation is. Your not helping anyone out by fueling the thread with unfounded comments about safety. Hey man all I said was it might not be the smartest idea you're the one that "got all sensational" about it. I admit my first comment I didn't have all the facts, if I watched the whole video I would have heard two people talking and knew it was a tandem for that sorry, yeah I made a mistake. Second one I said that I didn't know it was one and said that it just might not be the best idea. If anybody is fueling anything it's you so simmer down now mkay.
  15. I have came down 3 times with the plane. Once was because the plane was having some problems and the other times were because of weather, rain and clouds. Every time I got my jump ticket back. This was at SD Suffolk in VA. Never rode back down anywhere else so I don't know how it works at other places. Maybe i'm in the minority but I think if you land because somebody else made the decision you get your money/ticket back. If the DZ thinks they can send up a load then has to call it off it's on them. If they don't think they can let people jump don't send up the plane.
  16. Have a good amount of metal in my leg (IED's hurt, btw) and it has never been a problem. The brace I use sometimes slows things down with TSA.
  17. How do you know it wasn't safe? Do you know any specifics, like how the camera was mounted, or any other details. Any background experience jumping tandems? Any experience letting your students bring along a gopro? No? None? Oh OK, thanks for sharing. Later I said I didn't know it was a tandem. Thought he was doing this on a solo. That better? Yes? Ok Thanks for sharing.
  18. Didn't see that it was a tandem. Watched it with the sound off and only for a little bit. Still might not be the best idea.
  19. Not smart man. Think you would have known what to do if you had a problem.
  21. That website needs a ton of work.
  22. Eloy and Perris are nice. I did my AFF at San Marcos in TX and like the DZ so much I moved there. Did my AFF in Jan/Feb in about three weeks. Its not the biggest drop zone in the world but the people there really know what they are doing and everybody is friendly.