Outside of skydiving I am a professional photographer so to me I think of it as any other paying job. I have mixed feelings on this. I would not use two gopros but at the same time there are guys that are using old cameras and crap glass that are out shined by even GoPro photos. GoPros take better video then a lot of handycams out there and when you put a $30 Opteka fisheye lens in front of that that just made your camera junk. I think it, like a lot of things, comes down to pride in your work. If I jump with two GoPros or I jump with my $10,000 camera I get paid the same and the pay is not there to risk jumping with my best camera. When people are paying $100+ they want to feel like they are getting their moneys worth and I don't think many people feel that when they see two GoPros and then look at the other camera guy next to you and they have "real" cameras. Maybe its because I was a photographer before a skydiver but from what I have seen its almost a joke. I'm not saying everybody is like this but I'v seen a lot of guys that have no idea what they are doing and just strap a few cheap cameras to a helmet just to make some money. I think within a few years most people will be jumping two GoPros. If it starts to become the trend why would anybody not do it? Why jump a $5000 setup when you can jump a $500 one?