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Everything posted by Skitzo

  1. Skitzo

    $78 million

    O.K. Andrea..How many #'s did you buy???? Huh?......I want the same shot at winning as you have! p.s. you have tell me.......we are bumpy brothers. ~Kim Psycopata Rodriguez TFQet #3 "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  2. Hrmm.. I worked for my father plumbing for 7 years when I lived in Ohio, Mostly new construction, not much repair work, but if this helps.......... If your water is really really hot, like over 150 degrees, too hot to have you hands in comfortably, its probably a bad thermostat...depending on the water heater, it could be on the top or bottom of the unit, If there is no problem with the temperature of the water, its not fluctuating or anything, its probably just a bad relief valve. Hope that helps
  3. I'm 32, gonna be 33 on Dec. 18th. but until then I'm only 32! Everybody pegs me for mid-to-late 20's no big thing YET! "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  4. Ummmm forgot one,..where is the Both box??? Oh yea.........First thread???.BEEEEEER!!! "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  5. I had started collecting Byods Bears, then I started jumping, and well the only thing I'm trying to collect now is JUMPS! "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  6. Sorry Charlie.......hehe Levin......I'm not letting them leave SDA - "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  7. ROFLMAO! - "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  8. Well you sure know how to answer a question! LOL That will get your blood pumping! - "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  9. That You Cussed under Canopy? The NickName thread got me thinking that my 27th ride 2 years ago was the first time any string of obsceneties came flying out of my lips. So does anyone else remember the first time you were moved to swear under canopy? Or have you not yet been in a circumstance that would cause that automatic reflex reaction? "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  10. Skitzo


    Thats a great memory looking back, isn't it?! Isn't it?! Come on now isn't it? Thanks.....from your reply I could picture the whole thing! Very amusing! "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  11. Skitzo


    I did the tree thing too on my 27th jump Nov. 25, 2 years ago. High winds, they kicked up while I was on the plane. Not a scratch!
  12. Skitzo


    My Dad called me "twinkle toes"
  13. Skitzo

    naked santa!!

    Dayuuum! I purposely avoided this thread all evening 'cause I had no desire to see what the stereotypical Santa would look like naked. Niiiice "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  14. Carrie, whoever told you that your going to jail must have gotten a bad rock, or maybe they were just trying to scare you into slowing down... Seriously though when I was right out of highschool I got quite a few speeding tickets, was that damn car, it just wanted to go fast...,but anyway they just suspended my license for a couple months and gave me work privilieges. I'm not about to tell YOU what to do, but if it were ME I would not give that money to a lawyer, of course the lawyer is going to tell you he can help you, he wants that easy money, he could give muskrats ass what happens as this will not make the news. I would just go in front of the judge first on my own, say the things you I had a governor put on my car! see what he has to say, you've always got the chance when your there to plead no contest and get a court appointed atty. if they do decide to make an example out of you. Good Luck whatever you decide. "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  15. Wow, I'm surprised this thread isn't smokin, paying speeding tickets instead of buying jump tickets is punishment enough! I haven't had one in almost 2 years (yup...I knocked on wood) My last one was pedal to the medal to make a load after being phoned that the T-Bo was going up. Fortunately I still managed to get there just as they were kicking the ladder away, they saw me pull in and waited for me, good thing, 'cause after getting a speeding ticket I REALLY needed that jump! Hang in there....This too shall pass...
  16. OMG I jumped and bruised my shin on the desk on that last one! Way cool! Thanks! "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  17. 0:6:0 5 freefly and 1 9pt. 6-way RW I met TB99 and Sunshine; and had a major fun blast of a weekend!
  18. Are you referring to the other DZ moving in on their terrirtory? - "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  19. Wait till after Sat. morning, then start the persuading! I want to meet you before you move on. - "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  20. Hey Sunshine, Have you talked Spy into visiting other DZ's or are you going to be at SDA the whole time? I'm looking forward to meeting you!, I can't get there till Friday afternoon though, Hopefully you'll be there. ~Kim - "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  21. Everyone made a big fuss over my 100th, they organized a 17 way sunset load that earned 1 point. It was pretty special to me because a lot of people that were on my First Pin saw to it that they got on my 100th. Then on the de-dirt as I exited the fake aircraft they pied me from head to toe. I didn't even see it coming! It was a really exciting and great day!
  22. OK, I'm not in the Hot or Not website, But Judedre just submitted my picture in the misc. section of the photo galleries on the Home page. Then he wrote aint she cute? I'm soooo embarassed! I just wanted everyone to know I didn't submit that and would never write aint she cute? about myself. He's getting a spanking the next time I see him! ~Kim - "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"
  23. Holy crap! I can't beleive that about your car, hope you get it back or insurance is speedy on hooking up with another one! 0:5:0 3 fun fun fun sits actually that wound up in mostly stand for me to stay w/the boys, 1 5pt. 10way RW and 1 sunset tracking dive
  24. Allright.........Lets not forget what started this conversation, which was why Rusty chose to leave the USPA, with very good reason, I respect his decision..... and even if I didn't know him..., after reading his commentary, would still respect his decision. I began jumping at CPC. a wonderful and SAFETY conscious DZ. When I started jumping they were not a "USPA DZ," Abbrs. that meant NOTHING to me at the time. Last I heard they are USPA now because they have a jumpmaster for static lines, which was why they weren't in the past. I've been to several DZ's since, and listened to the whole USPA as opposed to Non-USPA conversations while I hold my tongue, because..., "What do I l know?, I've only got a couple hundred jumps...and wish I'd stood up for them because damnit,...they were the most loving, helpful,safety conscious & FUN people you would ever want to know. I've since moved to FL., have visited 5 different DZ's and now jump at SDA,...what do ya know....another Non USPA DZ., and yet, another very SAFETY conscious DZ. I've been questioned less from the USPA DZ's than the non-USPA DZ's, What's Up With That! The only point I wish to make here is....If a DZ does not wish to undergo all the politics that USPA requires of them, it does NOT mean they are not a wonderful AND safe place to jump at!
  25. Me too, I've been wearing it for 2 years. Whenever someone hugs me they always tell me I smell good, and ask what I'm wearing, I reply "Heavenly" and they usually say, "Well yes it is!" "How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"