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Everything posted by mysteryblonde

  1. Thanks all, good to hear that all three are good options! I guess we'll decide closer to the time but we're definitely going to be tunnelling-it-up too so maybe the DZ closest to that! See you in July!
  2. Morning (afternoon?) all My other half and I are heading to the States at the end of June for a week with his family in NH and we're looking for a couple of days jumping in the vicinity! Skydive Pepperell and Jumptown are the closest to where we're staying. We're both experienced skydivers, flatties rather than FF, and we're looking for some advice on where to jump. We'd like to jump with other people so anywhere that has load organising would be great. Alternatively I'm happy to load organise if there are enough people and with DZ permission, wouldn't want to step on any toes! What say ye? Cheers Victoria Home DZ: Skydive Sibson (D106910)