Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to reply.
I am really sorry about this.
The pathetic reality is that there was no option for the far right of the slider to say ‘500+’.
I was fully aware that this would be a problem prior to launching as the initial study was taken by many individuals who have completed well over 1000 jumps.
I have now added the caveat:
“If you have done more than 500 jumps total, please simply record a score of 500 - thank you”
I have tried but have been unable to replicate these errors
I will repeat what I said in my initial post:
Not all the scales we are asking you to complete are OUR scales. Indeed, in my opinion, some of the scales (presented in the link above) have both serious theoretical and methodological flaws. You may find them frustrating to fill out (I did when I first filled them out many years ago) which is why we are offering the chance to win a tasty prize as a thank you for participating. The older (flawed) questionnaires have to be presented to test their validity relative to the new questionnaires.
Please PM me your email address and I will manually enter you into the draw. I appreciate your time in both completing the questionnaire and providing feedback.
Yeah sorry! Not bad though for a few clicks of the mouse. Good luck in the draw.
One of our other studies was an interview based study with elite level mountaineers. As you have clearly pointed out, such qualitative insights can elicit a depth and complexity within the data that quantitative studies cannot. Equally, quantitative studies as in this present instance, will allow us to work with the data in a way that a qualitative study would not allow.
I would love to do some interviews with highly experienced skydivers. Maybe I should get some funding for a whole bunch of GoPro cameras and get recruiting on the forum here?