Oh how I love DZ discussions. Thanks for the useful points. Thanks for the entertainment. I really like how one post had some intelligent points which were then totally diminished by summing it up in "your gonna die". I love it!
So in the end when I called PD they asked me if I was certain that it was trimmed to Sabre1 or just OOS. With about 200 jumps on the line set it is possible for a little deviation in the lines up to maybe 1" (says PD rep). The PD guys are awesome - the one I talked to also taught me how to spot the diff between spectra and vectran. So in the end I went back and for fun measured my previous canopy and found that the lines were very OOS. More like 10" OOS in some places. So if I was jumping that what does it really matter? In summary the canopy is great, flies fine, opens fine, etc. I guess it would have given me the best insight to just measure my old canopy first.
Out of this I made a spreadsheet for calculating OOS and comparing various trims on a sabre. I will clean it up and attach it if I feel so motivated....