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Everything posted by patrickweldon

  1. I purchased the Phoenix Fly Pants specifically for a Norway trip this summer. I spent last week wearing them skydiving. They are really a good design. Instant inflation, huge tracking speed. My protrack registered an average freefall speed of 80mph, and my freefall time (from 14K) was in the 100 second rage! I was easily able to track the length of a very long runway, and for fun would track out over the highway and pass cars.. of course I was at 10,000 feet and they couldnt see me, but it was quite a fun feeling. The highlight was the clouds that rolled in, and I got to fly in, out, and around them. I did not purchase the jacket, but I easily give the pants a 5 out of 5!
  2. I'll be arriving in Stavanger on Wednesday June 15th, staying through Monday June 20th. Leaving from Jackson, Mississippi. Anyone want to travel with me, drop an email. I dont speak norwegian, and I have never been to Norway, but I think we can find a big cliff with people jumping off it.
  3. Fair enough, I'll hand deliver one jumpticket to you in 103 days. (Rantoul, WFFC 05). What are the odds I'd find a pro-military, right-minded, intelligent, skydiving liberal. Dang, you must get lonely at your political rallies. Come to think of it, I bet you are really a capitalistic, conservative who just figured out a way to score a jumpticket!
  4. Free Jumpticket for anyone who can name: -anythign positive that the "left" has ever said or done. -anything john kerry or al gore stood for (except hating George Bush) -anything any liberal actually believes in, or holds to be postive -anything any liberal leftist has ever done to make the world safer or the country better off. Of course it is easier to throw rocks than actually solve problems. Heck, voting democrat is much easier than working for a living. just my two cents.
  5. 1. Take all the criminals.... 2. Fry them (literally, like chickens.) 3. Feed them to the hungry. See, all problems solved.
  6. Looking for a jumper named Bob, who flew his Long EZ to the WFFC. email me:
  7. Made a demo jump on a new Aerodyne System at Mardi Gras Boogie. The A-max opened great - I believe as good an opening as is possible. I had it loaded a bit over 2 to 1 (I was jumping a A-max 90). It flew very nice, fast responsive turns, low toggle pressure, and quick recovery. I would compare it to a Stiletto, only a bit quicker on the front riser turns with a very responsive swoop. I would recommend this canopy to any experienced jumper who does not want to downsize to a cross-braced.
  8. Greetings. A few months ago I began collecting information from any/all skydivers who suffered injuries from hard openings. I am interested in all types of injuries, from minor ("sore necks") to more profound or severe. If you are interested, or just have a hard opening story, please email, and I will send you a brief question / answer to fill out an return. All replies will be confidential. This medical study is through my Neurology / Neurosurgery Research Department at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, and has achieved all neccessary HIPPA and Human Research Study guidelines. For more information, or to participate, please email" or call (601) 984 5500 or write: Patrick Weldon MD Dept of Neurology University of Mississippi Medical Center 2500 North State Street Jackson MS 39216