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Everything posted by samparkins

  1. I am about to do my level 6 AFF at hinton where I have done my previous 5. I cant say much about pro's and con's as I clearly have not got enough experience to compare. What I can say is the AFF school has been excellent, all the examiners/instructors have been cool,calm and knowledgeable. the emphasis on what you need to do before and after the jump is not lost on these guys who must see hundreds of students pass through the doors. Nice area away from the pro's and tandems where you do your brief/de-brief where there is hanging harnesses for canopy training and pc's for watching your jumps back with critiscim and 'what to do next' tips! (and mega important, several large beanbags!) i read this website before I booked my aff and hope that if someone is reading this in terms of doing the course themselves I would say then this is a brilliant place to do it. the centre itself will become my home DZ and not just because of location, the manifest people are always arranging things for the best lifts for everyone! last weekend it was rammed full of tandems but 3 and 4 way teams and solo jumpers were being placed very well on everylift! and us AFF students were on every other lift if not back to back. Lots of pro jumpers here so the potential for friendly coaching is certain. This weekend I have been grounded because of the lovely uk weather, my examiner and the lovely reception girl rang me a few times to say how the conditions were. they even called today to say dont bother coming in as it was too windy, amazing customer service!!! All the services here seem very professional and all the students I have come across have travelled to hinton because of good word of mouth, says it all in my eyes! Message me if any questions!