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  1. Hi Ken Netheravon is where i was thinking of doing my SL jump - ive heard loads of good things about them and it isnt too far to travel. Im trying to talk to as many skydivers as possible at the moment to get as much info and tips as i can! everyone has a different way of dealing with things so its good i can get lots of ideas and see which works best for me! I definately want to do more - even the breathing part didnt put me off - i was more annoyed at the fact that even after all the training i still tried to hold my breath! The video i had done is ruined! (although a good lesson!) as you can clearly see the point i cant get my breathe!
  2. Thanks Shoreham I got the 2 for 1 offer at airkix - going down 6th July and possibly again 18th July for my birthday. I was thinking about doing another tandem so maybe i will do that first then a S/L jump before deciding on the AFF course. Thank you so much for all the tips - they have all been really helpful. I was sure that the moment i said i couldnt breathe during freefall but wanted to do more that people would tell me not to bother!!
  3. Hi Ken Thanks for the tips! I'm taking my niece to the new tunnel opening in basingstoke so I will make sure I let them know why I'm there!! Where do you think the best place to learn is? I've done research and read reviews but its so confusing! I want somewhere that I can continue to learn and feel comfortable at. I guess its trial and error!!
  4. Thank you shoreham! I'm based near heathrow, but I did my tandem at headcorn! Heard a lot of bad reviews about the place but it seemed ok! Was thinking of AFF but thought I should probably sort out my breathing issues before paying for it, just in case!! Where do you normally go to jump?
  5. Thanks for the offer but I'm with someone! Plus I thought this was a skydiving website not a dating site!!
  6. Hi Im Sam (female Sam!!) - From UK! I just completed my first Tandem skydive and im totally hooked! Im planning on doing a S/L jump as soon as i can and im also visiting my local wind tunnel to do some practice with indoor skydiving! Didnt have a great experience with the freefall on my tandem jump - found it difficult to get my breathe which ruined it a little! Having done some research i know its my own fault as my instinct kicked in and i was obviously trying to hold my breathe for some of it! Hence the practice in a wind tunnel! Any tips would be great! from breathing! to types of jumps and good DZ's