I started my AFF program last month . Here is a brief summary about the jumps which I have made till now:
1. AFF 1: Cleared. Legs out but fixed it. 3 PT and landed smoothly
2. AFF 2: Good exit. 2 PT. Was bending sideways instead of moving shoulders up and down for turning. Good Fwd movement. Legs out but fixed them. Landed Smoothly. Told to repeat.
3. AFF 2: Cleared. 2 PT. Turned left 90 and right 90 nicely. Good FWD movement. Landed Smoothly.
4. AFF 3: Exit. 1 PT. Reserve instructor releases. Legs out . Fixed. Main instructor releases. Went into a spin. Checked altitude and Arched. Still Spinning. Main instructor redocks. Pulled myself and landed smoothly. Told to repeat it.Instructors told me that one of my legs was uneven and as such was going into a spin. Told me to maintain good legs position.
5. AFF 3: Exit. 1 PT. Reserve instructor releases. Legs out. Corrected. Tapped Toes. Tried to maintain heading, but again moved arms sideways instead of moving shoulders up and down. Main instructor releases. Went into a small spin. Main instructor redocks. Pulled and landed smoothly . Told to repeat.
Also, main instructor told me that as soon as the reserve instructor let me go, he felt a huge amount of force coming from the opposite side. This time, I also toe tapped to make sure my legs were ok. He told me to relax and breathe just before jumping. He felt that one of my body sides was more tensed as compared to the other. They also told me that they cant find anything wrong visually as my arch was good and so was my body alignment, but I was turning anyhow.
I know, I am tensed during the flight up in the plane, but as soon as I jump, I feel normal. My brain tells me that I am normal but my instructor told me that he felt i was tensed.
Also, what is the most important thing to prevent spinning ? Arch, body stability etc ?
Also, while doing left 90 and right 90 in AFF 2, I had to give a huge input from my side to turn. Could that be the case in AFF3 as for maintaining heading, I have to give huge input from my side ?
My physical stats are:
Ht: 172 cm
Wt: 140 pounds
Physique: Really thin
Any suggestions/criticisms would be highly appreciated ?