Hello Folks,
Its nice to have a community and open forums to discuss this. I have just taken a tandem jump at Peperrell, MA for the first time in my life, I totally loved it and want to go for the AFF course. I live in Boston MA and the two choices for me are Pepperrell and Maine.
The staff at Pepperrell were really friendly and treated me very well when i was taking the tandem. Also, this place is 40 minutes from my house. The cons of this place is that the dropzone is much smaller compared to the other (Maine) and that brings to my question?
Should that be a concern for a newbie jumper? There are trees around and will that be difficult for newbie jumpers to steer and should I be going for a bigger dropzone.
Maine (skydivenewengland) has slightly better reviews and a bigger dropzone. However, it is 1 hour 40 minutes from my house.
What do you suggest? Is it better to go to a faroff place with better dropzone or a nearby place with a smaller one?