I'm about to hit 50 jumps. I want to mount my gopro to my helmet. Yah, yah, yah I know the USPA recommendation is obtaining a C license first with 200 jumps. I interpret manuals all day long with my line of work and recommendations are simply recommendations and not set rules such as you SHALL have 200 jumps before wearing a camera in free fall. I'm getting comfortable in my new rig before I mount the camera. I just don't want to wait until 200 jumps. Please spare me with the added danger level of camera flying. I've read everything I can possibly read online and talked to numerous individuals about the issues. Bottom line is I'm not going to wear one until I get the permissions at my drop zone or I reach that 200 mark. I just think it's extremely ridiculous that someone with 190 jumps isn't experienced enough to wear one but then miraculously at 200 jumps you are. Some people learn faster than others and understand gear better than others. The number should be way less.