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Everything posted by psuCory

  1. (500, 5, and 36):11:2 {1 unpaid due to one of the hump numbers} Long... sorry... but it was fun
  2. It's good to see that you do something other than PW'ing . JK bud. It's great to see that your getting it started!! Now the question is.. Where's my jacket bioch!!!
  3. Ah but first you have to find me!! I'll be at the DZ.... do you remember how to get there?
  4. Thats why Im scared... her office is about a block up the street from mine
  5. Don't worry about that too much... we can't even get her to come to her home DZ!!! -- runs and hides before she reads this
  6. Dude.... DUDE... you had her sooooo confused. Those of us sitting in the "monkey room" were falling off our, well, our seats on the floor! It took what... about 10 minutes to convince her you weren't clay? And from all those people that planned to make it out... we have only the hard core partiers in attendance: Rebecca Brittany Clay Turtle Piere and humble little ole me What happened to the rest of yall?
  7. psuCory

    down and blue

    Awww.... but dude... just remember the shocked and confused faces staring out of an otter door at two crazy some crazy mofo who accidently/intentionally "took someone out" while on a hop'n'pop, and try not to laugh! Or a tube jump that went so well that two camera flyers had their batteries die - just so we couldn't prove it . Way too cool. And if that doesn't do it, the organized chaos of a certain CYZ load should reload a smile for ya. And that was just one weekend! Thanks again for the jumps Yoshi!
  8. psuCory

    Hung out to dry

    Just think of it this way... the results are much easier to handle than the recipiant of that nefarious sit-up introduced to us southerners recently .
  9. psuCory

    Hung out to dry

    Heheh... yea and I have about 3 belly jumps in between my SCR jump (jump number 23 for me
  10. psuCory

    Hung out to dry

    I am however emotionally scarred from being forced to wear a bumper suit for an entire day .
  11. psuCory

    Hung out to dry

    No, that isn't an overestimation! After 30 seconds of hanging by 1 hand and 1 foot... (hoping that the pilot would resume a steady course soon) the jumpers in the door rearranged a bit - getting a second foot on the floor helped. Another 20 seconds and we were back inside the plane, with the exception of yourself (stuck and struggling) and jumperconway who served as a windblock for as long as his shoulder could take it! As it turns out.... even had you let go... we would have only lost 1 point frickin' jump 5 heheheh. Needless to say, there were many jumpers impressed that you actually hung on! Way to go Yoshi!!!!! Peace
  12. attached... freefly (my back) swoop rw
  13. So... ummm... are we supposed to buy you a case of beer every time it works too? -- yet another reason I can add to my list of why I don't use a packer...
  14. rhino, KrisFlyZ comes from a DZ (my DZ actually) that starts students off on (mostly) Sabers (originals, not 2's), and has most likely never flown a 7 cell... Would you really recomend downsizing into a different planform? I know I wouldn't reccomend that. (FYI, this is not a flame.... just a thought)
  15. EI, Dude! it looks awesome! Again sorry I didn't follow up immediatly. I'm glad that I could give back to the community that brings me so much pleasure. Peace Cory
  16. Here's a brief piece on the adventure... including a (choppy real media) video and a few still shots.
  17. Done it, and loved it every time :) First ask your pilot (if there is heavy traffic in the area that day... think about it) Second, let the loader (if you have one) know... if they are sitting on the ground counting opening canopys and you are above some random cloud... wouldn't you hate to have half the DZ out looking for you (as a potential off lander) when you are still at 10 K? Third... if there is ANYBODY expecting to leave after you on the flight... make DAMN SURE they know you are opening high. The very thought of seeing an unexpected open canopy at 12K is cause for some serious "O SHIT" And as a catch all... let manifest know (it's not an official thing, but when people are "missing in action" manifest is usuall either in-the-know, or the first to hear about "the missing dude").
  18. psuCory


    No weekend jumping for you? Looks like jumpable weather most of the day Saturday, and all day Sunday... patchy clouds (which in past weekends has meant that you can see them on the horizon but no where near the sky above the DZ) and mild (6-12 mph) winds... Hell remember last weekend? Granted Sunday sucked major donkey balls, but Saturday ... the weather cooperated enough for 5 jumps. Remember this is Texas... if you don't like the weather wait a few minutes AND just because the weather is bad where you are (if it's where your profile states) doesn't mean that the conditions at your DZ are the same - the gulf has an amazing effect on the local weather here... I've watched (on weather hold) some amazing storms build and blow out, just a few miles away (weather hold due to the "potential" problem, which never occured - better to be on the ground wishing...) In the mean time... enjoy
  19. Talk to your instructor(s) as they have seen you land while we (random people on a message board) have not. Their insight into your flying skills, as well as their experience as skydivers canopy-pilots, is an invaluable tool of which you should take full advantage! With that, and the limited information you provided >>> What did you jump in your student training? If it was a 288 Manta... progressing directly to a Sabre2 170 is probably (likely, or even definatly) too big a jump! However, if you finished your student program off of something like a Sabre/Sabre2/Saphire/Saphire2 (a 9 cell, performance oriented ZP canopy) in the 190ish size - at your given exit weight this would be between a 0.9 and 1.1 wing loading - ... with the training that is expected in a program that puts you under such a canopy (i.e. canopy coaching that was integral to the program, not just a quick one liner about "flare here, then here"). Then, and only then, would it be advisable to buy a canopy of a Sabre(2)/Saphire(2)/Lotus as your first main. To reiterate: 1) Talk to your Instructor(s)/Dzo/and like knowlegable jumpers around you (not random people - like me - on a message board) 2) Manta 288 to Sabre 170 = BAD 3) see point #1 again! 4) be safe 5) see point #1 again! 6) have fun!
  20. One more skydive-centric tat here...
  21. I think we were all on a load together last Sunday. Granted most of the Spaceland population didn't know what to thing of it... as I was wearing a bumper suit!!! instead of my usual freefly garb. Oh... yeah... welcome to