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Everything posted by jsmwalker

  1. Well i have no idea really what to say here, Pete will be missed by all who knew him, a good friend and always had time for people. A loss to everyone at headcorn and all others who knew him round the world at different DZ's My thoughts go out especially to his family during this time. BlueSkies dude J ------------------------------------------------ We fly so close, sometimes we fly too close ------------------------------------------------
  2. His mum has asked us to fill the funeral with as many skydivers as possible, knowing the effect Ethen had on people I don’t see this as been a problem at all, but if anyone is coming from far away and needs accommodation, lifts etc send me a PM and will try and sort something out for you... ------------------------------------------------ We fly so close, sometimes we fly too close ------------------------------------------------
  3. You where certainly a one off, always so positive about everything you did, and everybody you met. You will be sorely missed. Rantoul will be that little bit quieter without you Bro! Blue skies, J ------------------------------------------------ We fly so close, sometimes we fly too close ------------------------------------------------