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    Skydive alabama
  1. Yeah I just saw that in the sizing chart, a little depressing.....I'm not sure that I will downsize that's just what I was told by some other jumpers at the dz. I like the 210, it does fly a bit fast but I'm comfortable with it. Tried a 230 and felt like I was float all day way overshot my landing. I believe everything but the cypress is 1.5 old. The dz said they'd check to see how many jumps are on the gear, was one of the first questions I asked. How many would be a decent range for this price?
  2. I'm still jumping under student status and am looking to get my first rig. My biggest problem is I'm 6'5, 210 pounds...hard to find a used rig. My first question is I've been offered an icon student rig that is 1 1/2 years old with a spectre 210, smart 220 and cypress 2 with 4 years left, it was used for aff students and appears to be in good condition. They are selling it for $4500. Is that a good price? Question two would it be better to just go ahead and spend another $2500 and get a brand new voodoo curv setup...I ask because I know I'll downsize and hate to spend the $7000 on a new setup up if I'm going to want to sell it in a year. Any advice would be appreciated because I'm lost.