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Everything posted by mikefarmer

  1. Pretty non-controversial topic to post to anonymously isn't it? Mike Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  2. mikefarmer


    Hey, man. Just saw this thread. Sorry Kris, wasn't me, but maybe somebody's "friend" was really not a "friend " at all. I'll have to interrogate a certain someone...Maybe she needs an intervention! Mike Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  3. mikefarmer


    You crybabies that want to whine about taking a life don't have to be involved. Stay home and pretend everything is rosey in the world. If you don't want your tax dollars used to execute this man, I have the plan for you. Spring the bastard, give him a ride back here to good old OKC, then get the hell out of town. After that, we can all forget about this nonsense and go jump. Mike Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  4. As a matter of fact, I remember being at a work buddy's apartment one night drinking beer. The evening wore on, I was pretty sauced, and the idiot asked me what it felt like to skydive. I didn't realize what he had caused until he was pulling me down from the couch yelling: "DUDE, I've got NEIGHBORS! Mike Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  5. Everytime somebody asks me why I skydive, I am completely at a loss for words. I can never think of the profound phrases that we all use when we're talking to each other. AND, when asked a technical question about jumping (ie-"What happens if it doesn't open?")at work, I play stupid. I just know I'll have to start at the beginning, explain every piece of gear, and by that time, I'll be all fired up, standing on my desk, wailing about zen, or adrenaline; or I'll have five co-workers with their hands in the air yelling:"ARCH thousand, Two thousand......." In short, NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER UNDERSTAND US. And that's OK with me. Mike Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  6. Hi, pretty obvious what my name is! I'm new too. And yes I also have a drinking problem- I'm out of booze! Mike Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  7. EEEEEEEEewwwwwwwwwwww Mike Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  8. My dad go me a first jump S/L course for HS Graduation. He also went through the course. (Alterior motive) Anyway, for the next 6 or so years, we went to Quincy together, became JM's, yada yada yada. We both got married last year, so I have slowed down a little, and he has about quit jumping, but skydiving together has really made our relationship stronger. Have fun w/the Family! Mike Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  9. FYI, I saw this setup at the Freaks Flock Together Boogie last weekend in Dallas. It looked like a great idea. Mr. Hallett was there with demos. I saw a guy pick up the rig by the handle, and it didn't come out. Then he pulled it with a slight twist, and it came right out, just like a throw out with a regular hackey. It looked very secure AND easy to use. Blue Skies! Hey, I'm not packed, what's in that one? Never mind, I'll jump it!
  10. Thanks! I just wanted to make sure they were comparable. I weigh in at about 240 w/gear, so I don't really want to have to jump a 129 all the time. But, I also don't want to buy a new container!
  11. Can someone tell me the pack volume of a Sabre 150? Also, the Icarus website shows the Crossfire 139 as 386 cu. in. Is that accurate? Thanks, Missy