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  1. It shows the staging loop is "optional" in the nexgen manual yes, But in the pre-nexgen manual, it doesn't say its optional. Just instructions on packing with the staging loop. Also in the Nexgen manual it calls for the staging loop to pass through both grommets in the floor plate, and in the pre-nexgen they call for the staging loop to only pass through one of the grommets in the floor plate. Confusing instructions there Icon.
  2. I recently noticed that the updated online manuals for either the nexgen or pre-nexgen model changed where on the reserve bridal they want you to make the fold bite that goes through the hesitation loop on the first flap. They use to call for it up the bridal line close to the green loop that sets the skyhook in place. Now they want the bite as the first step before V folding a few times and closing the first flap. Anyone know the reason for this change?
  3. If a customer brought you early 90's PDR that only had a few repacks checked in the box and zero rides checked without knowing any of the history on it, how would you proceed. Would a visual and a rip test on it be enough to satisfy its serviceability to you? Just curious, and I'm not a rigger.
  4. Thanks Jerry, Makes sense to me. Would it be pretty common that F-11 thats 20 years old that visually looks great just from time alone degrades enough to fail there CFM rating? Understanding theres a lot of other factors involved the would also cause it to fail. What are you thoughts on 1990's reserves being in service today?
  5. Can someone shed some light on exactly what is involved in PD's permeability test on a reserve canopy, and how they come up with a certain CFM number that causes the canopy un-airworthy and be marked accordingly not to be put back into service? Thanks!
  6. For anyone who was interested in this post. I sent this question to Vigil, and this was there response. "The vigil is placed in the back and the pressure measurements used to determine the altitude and speed are influenced by the body position. (see manual page 10 & 11). This physics and valid for every AAD. Attached you will find an example of a graph where you can see that the speed can change a lot (virtual speed peaks)when the jumper is turning during freefall. This is all normal and this can’t happened under canopy." - The GREEN line is the altitude in meters or feet. - The GREEN horizontal line is the preset activation altitude linked to the chosen mode. - The RED line is the speed used by Vigil in km/h, mph, m/s or ft/s. - The RED horizontal line is the preset activation speed linked to the chosen mode. - The YELLOW line is the filtered speed, just to give the average falling speed during the freefall as info. - The RED dot: detection of the freefall (min. 5/8 sec above activation speed). - The YELLOW dot: detection end of the freefall (min. 5/8 sec below activation speed). - The BLUE dot: activation of the Vigil. - The Vigil starts to record graphically in memory 7 sec before start of freefall and stops 12 sec after end of freefall. (For the Vigil 2+ it is 24 sec instead of 12 sec).
  7. Yes, either when you turn it on at the start of the day when you see the info screen when its cycling through, press it once and it gives you freefall time and vertical speed of your last jump. Or when it's on, you can just press it once and it will give you the same data for your last jump. If the vigil uses these vertical speed numbers that were obviously 60-70mph higher than they should be to calculate decent rate while under canopy I thought maybe that could cause a two out.
  8. My last two sit fly jumps Ive been checking my Vigil for my vertical speeds. Its been a while since Ive checked it, but I remember them reading between 150-170 MPH range. The first jump it read today was 232 MPH with about a 3-4 stand and the rest in a neutral sit. The second jump read 222 MPH. My N3 audible says nothing faster than 163 on my last one. Has anyone else run into these kind of reading before? If there reading that much out should I be concerned that diving under canopy could possibly fire my reserve?
  9. Yea its funny, I almost like the feel of the old line set better! It was a pretty consistent 600 feet from pitch to slider down. Now its even softer and tends to hunt more and take its sweet time! Im curious wheres its at now. WL 1.3 pilot 150.
  10. Hey all, I just had my pilot relined about 10 jumps ago. Same line type and size. I put close to 300 on the last line set and was pretty in tune to it opening characteristics. Nine times out of ten so far the slider has only come down about 3/4 of the way, out of reach to kill it without giving a tug on the rears, I've looked closely at the grommets and they feel good. Its not a major issue, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this before. It's never has hung up once in the past.
  11. I would agree the ZXP packs one or two sizes smaller. I jump an I5 Icon made for 150-168 ZP aerodyne canopy's, and have a pilot 150 ZXP in there and it is a bit on the small side for the container. Has good B.O.C and pin tension but looks a bit loose in the container when packed.
  12. Hi everyone, I fly a pilot 150 and have made around 200 jumps on it now. I bought it used under the assumption that it was manufactured in 2000 and it was of normal ZP fabric. The problem is that on the tail, the manufacture date is smudged it either looks like 2000, or 2008. The version number is 04. Last weekend someone pointed out that my fabric was the honeycomb fabric and that it must be ZPX fabric. Was ZPX fabric around in 2000? does anyone know when Areodyne started producing the Pilot with ZPX fabric option?